Nothing like it (Full chapter)

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The next day, I silently waited as the popular boy group came. I sighed, concerned about Jimin. The young dancer seemed out of it, and Namjoon hasn't said anything about him.

I made extra cookies just for him. If what Jungkook said was true, than I hope Jimin eats well. Is Yoongi still avoiding him? One way to find out I guess.

Ding~ Dong~

I jumped up and rushed towards the door. A little faster than I normally would. I blushed, slightly embarrassed by my lightning fast feet. I opened the door and sure enough, there was BTS.

"Hello~." Hoseok said as he walked in. He lightly hugged me and I giggled because of it. I watched as one by one, the band walked inside. Last one to come in was the short vocalist himself, Jimin.

And he was indeed... frail.

"Ah! Give me one second! I forgot to set up the cookies. Does anyone want milk with it?" I asked as I hurried towards the kitchen.

"Let me help you." Seokjin followed me there and pulled out the milk jug. He pulled out the glass cups from the cupboard above the sink. I grabbed a big plate from the cupboard next to that.

"Oh uh, thank you!" I said. I cursed at my sudden shyness. I took out the freshly baked cookies and laid it out. I made sure to keep some, in case they are it all and Jimin didn't have enough.

"Think nothing of it, sweetie. Besides, if Jimin eats well today, it's all worth it." The eldest placed the eight cups on a tray and we walked out.

"How long has it been like this?" I asked curiously.

"Almost a week and a half. He's been pushing himself 'practicing' and it's scaring all of us. I tried cooking for him, but he doesn't even want that." I could see Jin's shoulders drop. Even his caring aura he seems to carry has a tint of sadness and guilt in it.

"Well, my friends complimented me on my cookies so, let's enjoy, yeah?" The male nodded and we soon set down the food and drinks.

"Wow! It's amazing~." J-Hope said as he went to grab another cookie.

"You can say that again," Yoongi replied. I looked around and noticed that indeed, Yoongi was avoiding Jimin. They were on the opposite side off the room. Even the rapper's eyes were occasionally flicking towards the younger, only to quickly look away.

"Y/n, these are great!" Namjoon added on.

"Jimin hyunggggg, eat some. It's really good." Jungkook said he nudged Jimin's knee. The latter just slightly shook his head. He seemed so sad. It honestly broke my heart.

"Jimin, you're going to faint. Seriously, don't do this." Taehyung said. Jimin just shook his head. I took a sip of my milk to wash down the dessert. My eyes glanced up to see Yoongi stand up and abruptly walk towards the washroom.

The usually cheerful dancer, seemed like he was forcing himself to smile. I can not let it go like this. Finally, he took his first cookie and ate it. After washing it down with milk, he smiled at me.

"There's nothing better than homemade cookies. Something about it tans how it's made with love." Jimin mumbles as he bit into another cookie. I smiled softly. I also noticed Yoongi hasn't come back.

I excused myself and let the members just talk. The occasional bickering from the eldest and youngest. I walked softly towards the washroom. Like a predator hunting it's prey, I didn't want to scare Yoongi.

As I got closer, the distinct sound of crying could be heard through my walls. I knocked on the door quietly, but enough to be heard.

"Yoongi hyung? Are you okay in there?" I asked through the wall. I heard shuffling within the room and soon enough, the door was opened.

"Yeah... I'm good." Yoongi gave me a gummy smile, but it didn't feel right. Right away, I could see his bloodshot eyes. I reached up and wiped away a tear that recently rolled down his cheek.

"No you're not. Don't lie to me Yoongi hyung. Yes, you are my idol and I look up to and your other members but, everyone breaks." Yoongi sighed and looked into my eyes.

"I'm sorry, this is just pointless. I freaked out over the fact Jimin called me cute." I rubbed his back softly as tears gently rolled down his pale skin.

"Shhh it's okay."

"No it's not. Jimin is overworking himself, and he's starving himself. I personally can not sleep as well." I let the rapper calm himself down. Gradually, the tears stopped, and his eyes weren't as red.

"I won't ask why you avoided him, but I'll say that you should apologize." Yoongi nodded and smiled at me.

"Thank you for listening to me."

"Of course."

"And can we not talk about this? I might be the second oldest but, I have to be a strong. It's embarrassing that I broke down like this. Let alone in your house." I just smiled at Yoongi.

"Hey! I'm always here if you need to talk." Yoongi nodded once more and we walked out towards the others. I noticed the empty plate and cups, but Jimin seemed to have cheered up. That's all I care about right now.

"Seriously Jungkook? Again with the banana milk?" Seokjin asked as Jungkook sipped the drink.

"Well Y/n said it was okay!"


"Boys! Calm down! Sheesh, we're not on a reality t. v. show here." I interrupted Jin.

"Trust me girl, when you're as popular as us, you always are." Jin said flipping his imaginary long hair. I know it was meant as a joke but... That last part seemed too real. Even the sound of it turned sad.

"Uh, yeah..." My voice trailed off. Yoongi coughed behind me and I slightly jumped. I forgot about him. Hoseok seemed to know what was happening and called the members out.

"Hey you guys! Let's leave Jimin and Yoongi hyung alone, I think there's something going on." Thankful for Hoseok's observance, I lead them to the backyard. There wasn't anything fancy, but it's enough for the time being. Gently, I tugged on Hoseok's arm.

"Thank you Hoseok oppa. Honestly, are you always this observant?" He smiled and shook his head.

"Not really, but I have my moments. I just want everyone to be happy." I nodded.

"One more thing."

"Ask away."

"Did Jiminie oppa eat decently? Sure it's cookies and that's unhealthy but, he's so thin..."

"Actually, he ate a few but not as much a I would've like." I nodded and excused myself once more. Quietly and swiftly, I made my way back to the kitchen. Careful not to interrupt anything between the two shortest members.

I grabbed a Tupperware and placed the extra cookies in there. I quickly walked it and gave them to Hoseok.

"Give these to Jimin oppa, don't let anyone get it!" I warned. Hoseok laughed and soon enough, got called back in. I noticed how the two weren't so awkward anymore. Not to mention their smiles were huge.

"I see you two have made up." Namjoon noted. His dimples shown.

"Yeah, well, I think we should get going now. We'll see you next week?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, but warn me. I almost had a heart attack the first time." I giggled. The boys chuckled and left out the door. They piled into their managers car and left.

Quite the day, I'd say. I washed the dishes and laid down on the couch afterwards. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through the notifications.


From bicthyouthought

important ish. starting now, every 10 chapters will be a full chapter. everything in between are chats with each member. the 2 remaining, will probably just be posts and stuff. oh and to figure out who bicthyouthought is. anyways, the user isn't a typo, it's bicth. don't mind me, I can't make usernames 😂😂. anyways, hope y'all enjoyeddddd.

Texting with... BTS?!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora