Annoyance (Full chapter)

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I angrily threw my phone onto my bed, my heart skipped a beat as it bounced up. Luckily, it didn't fall off my bed. The device safely landed on my pillow near the top of it.

I sighed loudly and walked out the room, leaving my phone alone. I saw the notification from Instagram. I'm so done with whoever that person is. It's honestly so stupid!

I went into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of water. I took a sip as I glanced at the clock ticking on the dark brown wall. It was getting late. I'm glad that I don't have school tomorrow. Plus tomorrow's my off day from work.

I placed the cup in the sink and went out to the living room. Wrapping myself in a blanket, I turned on the t. v. and started watching Netflix.

I was so engrossed with the K-drama that was playing, that I almost missed the sound of my doorbell ringing. Startled, I paused the show and walked towards my front door.

As I opened it, I wasn't surprised by who was standing there.

"Y'all really have something about scaring me with the doorbell, huh?" I asked. My voice sounded snappy, and I shocked myself with it. So was everyone else.

"Woah, you okay Y/n?" Yoongi asked. I rapidly nodded my head.

"Y-yeah! Sorry I snapped. Just... some things going on. Come in!" I quickly moved out of the way so the artists can come in.

"What going on?" Jimin asked, as he tightly held me in a hug. I laughed and gently pushed the dancer away.

"Nothing, I'm fine! Just give me a second, I have to grab something." Jimin nodded and I bolted towards my bedroom. There, my phone laid, untouched.

I picked it up and turned it on. I noticed the Instagram notification. I sighed but decided to leave it alone. I didn't want to deal with it now.

I put it in the pocket of the hoodie I was currently wearing and walked out. I plastered a smile onto my face as I walked towards the idols.

The three maknaes were finding a movie to watch on a laptop that certainly wasn't mine. Yoongi and Hoseok were joking around on the couch, and as for Jin and Namjoon... Those two were in the kitchen. I knew they were attempting to make something as Jin yelled at Namjoon for doing something stupid. I giggled a little.

"You boys okay back there?!" I yelled towards the kitchen.

"No! I would be if Namjoon here, had a little bit of common sense!" Everyone one else laughed as Namjoon yelled in protest.

"For a guy with the iq of 148, he can't cut an onion to save his life, can he?" I said still laughing a little. Hoseok nodded and I heard a small click. Like, the sound of someone taking a picture. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked around, trying to find someone who was on their phone.

Jungkook and Taehyung was hooking up the laptop to the T. V. and Jimin joined Yoongi and Hoseok on the couch. None of them were on their phones. Instead, the two elders were screaming a duet song at the top of their lungs while Jimin smiled, and laughed as he clapped along.

As for Namjoon and Jin... Sure the kitchen had an opening to reveal the living room, but like... I can see them still cooking. And they're phones were on the counter that separates the two room.

"Y/n, you okay?" Jungkook asked snapping me back to reality.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine." I replied. I looked around once again to find the perpetrator but instead, was met with the disappointment of not finding anything. "So, what movie did you guys find?" I asked trying to change the subject.

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