thiry eight

304 16 11

"Jones!!" Ryan called. "You aren't watching the movie,"

"I'm awake," I mumbled.

"No you're not, you're falling asleep," Scarlett said from beside me.

I slouched down on my bed feeling my eyes shut like magnets.

"You're sleepy at all the wrong times," Levi said.

"It's the sleeping pills" I said, incoherently, and fell asleep.


"Hey," Levi said to me, plopping down in the seat beside me at breakfast the next morning.

I rested my face in my palms, "hey," I said.

"Ah Fuck," Levi groaned as he sat.

"What happened?" Jacob asked,

"Coach made me do 100 squats ad 140 push ups yesterday,"

"Yeah because you showed up to practice stoned," Jake deadpanned.

"What?!" I asked, shocked, but also low-key ammsued.

"I found brownies in my room...they were apparently...pot brownies," he said, smiling sheepishly.

"Wow, did you not smell it?" I asked.

"I found brownies, and I ate them,"


"Hey, why was Cassidy in your room the other day?" Jacob asked, looking at me.

"Which day?" I asked, looking at my timetable. I had French right after math, which is annoying, because I'd have to walk all the way with my cruches to the language block...maybe I'll just cut class.

"She's not as nice as she seems, I'd advice you to stay away from her," Jake said.

"Why, are you into her?" I asked lazily, not really paying attention.

"Jones, I'm not kidding,"

I looked at at him and narrowed my eyes, trying to figure out what he was saying, "what do you mean?"

"I might be wrong but I think she went out with Asher to get to you,"

"Why would she do that?" I chuckled.

"I'm just saying, she's done a lot of fucked up shit, and she's willing to do anything to get what she wants,"

"So am I," I joked.

"Yeah, but you'd never hurt anyone in the process," Levi said.

I narrowed my eyes at them again, "you guys are being weird," I said, taking my last bite of cereal. "I'm late for class, see you later?" I said getting up.

I put my tray away, and then headed for my first class.

The rest of my classes were as uneventful as the first. During lunch I nearly fell asleep in the cafeteria, so when my excruciatingly slow classes went by, I took a much needed nap.

Scarlett was out in the evening, and my room was gloomy as fuck, so I took some work to the library with me, and was actually really productive.

I was walking back from the Library, when I saw a park chair and the full moon was placed right between these two coconut trees. The view was perfect from the little bench, so I decided to sit there for a while.

I pulled out my sketchbook, and earplugs, and don't of just sat there for a while.

I was tapping my foot to the beat of 'wanna be yours' by the arctic monkeys, when I jumped, momentarily startled, by a presence beside me.

I pulled out my earplugs and turned to the side seeing the light of the lapost gently bounce off of Aiden's smooth skin.

"Didn't mean to startle you," he chuckled.

"Hey," I said, letting out a small laugh. "You just had practice?" I asked, noticing his bag, and messy hair.


He was very likely sweaty but just smelled like his cologne.

"How come you're here?" He asked.

"The moon is pretty," I smiled.

"Oh wow, it really is," he nodded,
"you like stars right?" He asked.

"Very much, how'd you know," I asked, looking at the piece of paper in my hands.

"You said so when you woke up...after the crash,"

"Oh really?" I chuckled.

"Hey, I have the canvas for the mural for my dad, I'll come give it to you after dinner," he said.

"Oh! Yay, okay!" I smiled.

We sat there starring at the moon for s few minutes, with mouth really talking...sort of lost in our own thoughts, and it was super peaceful.

"Oh my god Aiden?" I heard from above me, and saw Cassidy standing there.

"Jeez, you look just like your brother from far," she laughed.

"Hmm," he hummed, standing up. "I'm gonna go shower, I'll see you later," he said, and began walking away.

"Wait I need to talk to you about something," Cassidy said to Aiden,

"Can I give you your econ notes by tomorrow?" She asked, looking at me.

"Sure.." I mumbled, and she walked off, following Aiden. My eyes weirdly trailed behind them walking.

Later that night, Aiden come over to give me the canvas. I started the second he left because I was weirdly excited about it.

I painted from like 11 in the night till 2, and talked with Scarlett for a while as she painted her nails and cleaned her cupboard.

It was pretty fun,

I'd spent about 3 hours painted, but had barely started. I was looking forwards to the next few weeks. As much as I hated my stupid broken leg, in 2 weeks I had the opening of the hotel to look forward to, and in another two weeks, the cast would come off.


The next morning, before heading to class, I stopped by in Aiden's room for a second, to give him his Jacket which he left in my room the previous night when all of us watched the movie.

By the time I reached his room I saw Jacob standing at their door, looking for keys.

"Hey," I smiled..

"Hi what's up?" He said.

"Aiden left his Jacket," I said, and he pushed the door open, after turning his key in the lock.

I opened my mouth to say something, but shut up when I saw something that I most definitely DID NOT EXPECT.

I saw Aiden standing there shirtless, his hair messy, and Cassidy, less than an inch away from him, with her hands wrapped around his neck.

The moment the door opened, she looked to the side and winked at me, and he pushed away from her almost immediately.


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