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I was hurried into my class where I saw Mr. Thomas, My English teacher, teaching away as if he didn't single handedly ruin my entire Senior year at this shitty boarding school.

Not many things scared me, but the thought of doing math for one more certainly did.

"Hayley! Thanks for showing up, a little earlier would be great from next time." He said casually, giving me the urge to walk over to him and punch him.

"yeah, sorry Mr. Thomas, I was at the front office, there's a mistake on my timetable,"

"I will talk to you after class."

"you can not put a subject on my-

"Miss Jones, after class," He asserted.

I would've continued to argue with him, but a part of me felt like I owed him, for being the only teacher in the entire fucking school that sort of understood what I was going through, and didn't threaten to expel me.

"Take your seat," he added.

I sulked, walking to the back of the class and plopped down on one of the chairs.

The class was pretty boring, he was just introducing himself, and..well I'm not entirely sure, I got distracted in between, but I don't think much happened.

"Hayley, please stay back for a moment," Mr Thomas said after the bell had rung.

Once everyone left, I walked up to Mr. Thomas' desk, "yes,?" I asked, sarcastically.

"You can not change my subjects!" I added.

"I can, and I did," he sighed.

"What are you, the principal?" I asked, annoyed.



"Yeah, I'm vise principal now," he said.

"Oh, wow, congrats," I smiled, I was annoyed, but c'mon! Vise principal!

"Thanks," he said, letting out a small laugh.

"You failed Math last year." Mr.Thomas started.

"You're mom spoke to the school, she said she'll pay to pass you. Mrs. Holler, after a lot of convincing agreed to pass you, if you take her AP class this year. Listen, I know you're not a bad student, just put this little bit of extra effort and you'll be off to your dream collage before you know it." He said, stuffing books into his worn out office bag.

WHAT?! My mother payed to pass me?!

Wait that makes sense. Turns out I didn't pass math, no more buzzfeed unsolved.

"But Mrs.Holler hates me, she will make an effort to make my year suck," I said, remembering her yelling at me for being late and not doing work, and also doing the wrong work, and ugh.

He sighed. "I'm sorry, but there's really nothing I can do."

"But I-

"Listen, I know that it's not your fault that you nearly failed last year, things were difficult, but this is your only way out. It might not be easy, but at some point you going to have to make up for those grades," he said.

"Wait, why didn't anyone tell me I failed?" I asked, annoyed.

"Your mother thought its best-

"Please stop listening to my mother, she doesn't-

"Hayley I'm sorry about AP Calculus, you're just going to have to work hard this year, and then you'll be free of it." He said, giving me a small reassuring smile.

I let out a frustrated groan and stomped out of the class room. I took turn, and gasped, nearly walking into someone's tall torso.

I looked up a couple inches, seeing a face I'd never seen before, and a quiet attractive one. I looked into his eyes, and damn... he was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen.

He weirdly looked back at me for longer than I'd expected, my stomach did a small flip before I decided to stop starring. He had grey eyes, tan skin, and beautiful brown hair that flopped gently over his eyes.

"Sorry," I said softly, moving to the side and out of his way.

I took a minute to snap out of my daize, and back into reality.

If I was going to do AP Calculus this year, I'd need fucking adderal or something.

No no no, wrong. I will not be taking any unprescribed drugs...not this year.

I continued my walk to my next class which was geography. I found Levi sitting on a desk, talking to a girl next to him, and walked over.

"Hey.....Jones...Thor or Hulk..." he asked, like an enthusiastic 5th grader.

"Well it depends,...Chris Hemsworth looks better, but Dr.Banner is way funnier," I explained, taking a seat next to him.

"You think too much."

I let out a small laugh.

"I still win by one," he said to the girl, turning back to face me.

"Where were you?" He asked, drumming the text with his hands.

"Ugh.. Mr.Thomas put AP Calculus on my timetable because apparently I failed Mrs.Hollers class last year," I sighed, placing my head in my hands.

"What? God, how are you supposed to do this years stuff if you don't even know last years stuff?" He said,

I let out a small laugh and agreed, "exactly!"

"Well you won't be alone, Aiden's in Mrs.Hollers class as well," he smiled.


"Aiden Gray?...oh my don't know Aiden!" He exclaimed.

"No, unlike you I do not talk to everyone in my 4 mile radius," I chuckled.

"No no, he's like a good friend of ours. He used to go to Westwood high, he left like a month before you joined! You guys would get along great!" He grinned.

"Ohh, the guy that you guys were talking to in the morning ?" I asked, remembering how Levi jumped out of his chair to go greet him.

He nodded, as our new geography teacher walked in, strutting in her 6 inch pencil heels as she moved her glasses up to her hair.

"Good morning everyone...." she started talking, and I stopped listening, what I did hear though was that she was new hear, and she really wanted to get to know us.

The entire hour went by with half the class drooling over her, as she spoke about how 'She's not like other teachers, she's a cool teacher,' which made associate her with Regina's mom from mean girls.

She however did seem pretty cool. Apart from what seemed like an obsessive need for the students to like her, she seemed like an alright teacher, and her fashion sense was easily better than 90 percent of the people over the age of 30.

The bell went off moments before my eyes gave in to their sleepiness, and I got up, momentarily blacking out due to my slight iron deficiency......oh well.

"What do you have now?" Levi asked, as we made our way out of the chaotic class.

I looked through my phone, seeing I had a free, and sighed in relief.

"Ohh I have a free! You?"

"Spanish" he said,

I smiled,

"Alright see you," he said,

"Bye," I waved back, and proceeded to head back to my dorm.

My plan was to go and unpack, make the dorm cute, and more cozy, but the second I put on my bed sheet and blanket on my bed, I couldn't stop my self from napping.

The rest of my classes went by as uneventful as ever. At lunch, just as I was going to sit, I received an email from my art teacher, and went to see her.

After about 30 minutes of serious convincing, I managed to switch out Spanish for art, and finally found one good thing that had come out of my day.


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