fifty three

271 17 16

It was really nice, my walk. I obviously enjoyed being with my friends a whole lot, but for s couple minutes, it was nice to enjoy nothing but my surroundings.

I took a deep breath in, taking in the fresh oxygen.

After walking for a bit, I finally came to a dead end, which was satisfying, because now, I knew for sure that other route is correct.

I was on my way back, when my phone began ringing. Aiden's name flashed across the screen, and I answered.

"Hello?" I said.

"Where are you? I'm hoping you aren't lost," Aiden said.

"How would I be lost there's only one path," I said, pushing a branch out of the way.

"I don't know, you're special," he said, and I laughed.

"How are we getting signal its-", "OUch!" I screamed, cutting myself off.

"What?!" He asked, almost sounding worried.

"Nothing nothing,"

"What happened?" He asked.

"I walked into a thorn bush," I said,

"Should've have sent you alone," he said, letting out a small laugh.

"oh shut up," I chuckled.

My walk back was pretty short, and equally enjoyable. Before I reached I heard their voices laughing, and finally reached.

I pushed another branch out of my face, and saw two unfamiliar faces standing there with Levi and Jacob.

"Hey," Levi waved, "Did you find anything?" He asked.

"Yeah, dead end," I said, and he let out a laugh.

"This is Mason and JJ, and that's Jones," Levi said, introducing me to the two new guys.

They were both pretty tall, and basically the same height. Mason had blonde hair, and green eyes, and JJ had soft Hazel curls.

For some reason, the two of them didn't feel the need to clothe themselves, and were both not wearing shirts, just shorts, which I found kind of wierd, but whatever.

"Nice to meet you," Mason said, sticking his hand out, and shaking mine.

"You as well," I smiled,

"Ugh," I moved, swatting a fly off my arm, and got a playful laugh from Mason.

They seemed alright, I just wasn't really a fan of company, and I don't generally like being around people I don't know??

Anyways, Aiden went to get water from a small local store, because apparently from this point on, it was pretty dense forest.

I sat on one of the rocks beside Jacob, while Levi continued talking to the two new guys, as he does.

I took off my shoe, feeling a rock poke into my foot, hit it against the ground, trying to get it out.

"Who are they?" I whispered to Jacob softly.

He rested his arms on his knees.

"I don't know man, they were just there. They're saying on the beach, it's apparently close to the hotel we're at, so with any luck we'll be out of the hotel and onto the beach. They're staying at some campfire, sounds nice right?"

"It sounds alright," I said.

"It's alright, they won't be with us the whole time now, and you don't have to talk to them if you don't want," he said, smiling. He took the hat from off my head and put it on his head reverse.

"Hey," Aiden said, walking back into the random area we were in,

He threw something to me and I caught it. "Oh my god thank you!" I said enthusiastically.

The entire trip I've been trying to find lemon flavoured orbit, but for some reason have been extremely unlucky.

"There's a route here, but there's another muddy stretch," he explained.

We decided to go anyway, and Mason and JJ tagged along I guess.

"Yeah, I've heard of the place," JJ said, when Jacob told him about Westwood.

Levi and I were walking at the back, sort of having our own conversation, and the others were walking in front.

"There was a fucking bird in the room last night," Levi said, and I laughed.

"Yeah, Aiden told me,"

"Jones, water please," Jacob said turning around.

"The water's in your bag, I want," he said.

I pulled out my water bottle and handed it to him.

"Wait, take the bag I don't want to hold it," I said,

"Cool water bottle," Mason said,

I let out a small laugh, "Thanks?"

"Did you paint it?" He asked.

"Oh yeah," I scoffed. A while back I painted a small dragon on the side of it. It was pretty ugly if I do say so myself.

"You're into art and stuff?" He asked, as we continued to walk.

"Little bit," I said, and Levi, Jake and Aiden looked at me silently laughing. I'm guessing because I said little?

What? I don't like new people!

"Yeah? Me too," he said.

JJ, Aiden and Jake walked jnfromt of us, and Mason matched his steps with Levi's and mine.

"That's nice," I smiled, trying not to sound rude.

"So your planning to do something related in collage?" He asked.


"Well I applied to RISD, SAIC and UCLA, we'll see," he said.

"WOah!" I screamed again, tripping on some lose stones.

Mason instantly placed his hands around my waist holding me up.

"Mch, Ugh, thanks," I said, standing there back up.

"3, 7," Adien said from infront of me.

"shut up,"

Back when we were in the slush, we made a bet because Aiden got offended that I laughed so much about him falling. I'd now slipped 7 times, and him 3.

Damn I really thought I'd win.

"You're pretty clumsy huh," Mason said, chuckling.

Aiden Scoffed, and it was weirdly quiet for a minute, super awkward I don't know what the fuck that was about. Anyway I then said something to break the silence.

" it just two of you on the trip?" I asked.

"No..... there's Bianca and Alec, but they didn't want to come today morning," JJ said.

"How does this camp thing work, where are you guys staying?" Levi asked.

"Yeah, so Hudson Beach is pretty popular, there's a bunch of small camps and things. Its not directly on the beach, it's in a forested area, but its less than half a mile from the beach," he explained.

The rest of the walk was pretty much the same. Aiden didn't seem to like Mason and JJ very much either, and finally an hour and a half later, the both of exchanged phone numbers with Jacob, and changed their route.

After another two hours of walking we finally reached the top. We sat there for about thirty minutes, and just enjoyed the incredible view infront of us before we decided to head back down.

The top of the mountain was also the start of a mind-blowing water fall, which was almost mystical to look at.


Hii! How'd you like this chapter, and the previous one?
Thoughts about Mason and JJ??
Thank you so much for reading if you've made it till here 💖💖

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