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After Mr. Keating's class you all walked back to the corridor with everyone. You all spent some time in your rooms before heading to the student lounge for the study group. 

"Hey Y/N, what would I wear to impress a couple of ninety year olds and their douchebag son at dinner tonight?" Knox held up one of your skirts to his waist. 

"Definitely that." You giggled in response.

"Okay no seriously, robe or no robe?" He asked 


"Thanks. Oh here are my trig notes, by the way." he said

"Oh, thank you so," you said. There was a knock at the door. Knox opened it casually, not comprehending it might have been a teacher ,and it was. 

"Ready, Overstreet?" Dr. Hager peered in the room at you. 

"Ready to go, sir," Knox fixed his posture. 

"Evening, Ms. Y/L/N."

"Good evening, Sir." You said back. Knox followed him out the door with a quick wave to you. A few minutes later you realized it was time to meet Todd at his room so you could walk to the lounge together. You knocked on the door. 

"Come in," his voice was small and timid. You found Todd arranging his desk just like he had done before. 

"Hey, Todd, are you ready?" You tried to sound welcoming, but not pushy.

"Sure," he picked up his chemistry and Latin textbooks and you walked to the lounge. On the other side of the doors, Cameron was helping Neil and Charlie with Trig. Todd smiled when he saw Neil. 

"Hey, Todd, hey Y/N" Pitts greeted from another table with Meeks, who seemed to be working on some sort of radio. 

"Hey guys," you said. This was followed by hellos from everyone who recognized you in the room. You and Todd sat down at a small table to the right of the door and began working on the Ch 1 chemistry questions. About and hour into the study group Knox entered the room and heavily leaned on the door. He didn't see you.

"How was dinner?" Charlie asked him.

"Huh?" Knox was zoned out. 

"How was dinner?" Charlie asked again.

"Terrible. Awful." Knox responded.

"Why? What happened?" Charlie was curious now. 

"Tonight. I met the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life." You were slightly jealous that Knox felt this way. You made eye contact with Charlie and held it for only a second. Neil didn't notice this, so he asked, 

"Are you crazy? What's wrong with that?" 

"She's practically engaged. To Chet. Danburry." Knox was almost depressed. He still didn't notice you were in the room. You realized you were staring at him and hoped no one saw. All the boys rolled their eyes at the mention of the boy named Chet.

"Ugh, that guy could eat a football!" Remarked Charlie. You made eye contact again, and he smirked. 

"That's too bad," Pitts remarked.

"Too bad? It's worse than too bad, Pittsie, it's a tragedy, a girl this beautiful in love with such a jerk!" Knox practically wailed. 

"All the good ones go for jerks, you know that." Said Pitts. At this point Knox noticed Charlie kept looking over at something, you. You quickly buried your nose in Knox's math notes you had been studying.

"Oh. Y/N I didn't know you were still here." He said awkwardly. Cameron had looked up from his books and was laughing at Knox. Charlie hit him to shut him up. 

"Well I am," it sounded way more defensive than you meant it to be. "Here are your trig notes, by the way, I'm done with them." You weren't. 

"Oh, thanks. I hoped they helped." He said, less awkwardly and you could tell he was thinking about the girl. 

"Yeah." You said bleakly, and returned to your seat with Todd. He looked at you and was about to say something, but didn't. After this, the chatter resumed. It was only about ten minutes after this when Hager came into the room. 

"Alright, time's up." Everyone began packing up their stuff while Pitts and Meeks tried to hide their radio. 

"That wouldn't happen to be a radio in your lap, would it, Mr. Pitts?" Hager inquired.

"No sir. Science experiment. Radar." He stuttered. On the way out Charlie went up to Knox.

"Did you see her naked?" Charlie was already walking away. 

"Very funny, Dalton." Knox was unamused. Todd walked back to his room with Neil, so you walked to your room alone. You took your hair out of the tight ponytail and let it flow down your shoulders. 


When you got back to your room you quickly grabbed your pajamas and made you way to the third floor so you could change. When you came down, all of the boys were still brushing their teeth and changing. You made your way to your room and got into your bed with your book. The Catcher In The Rye. After a few minutes, Knox came into the room still looking starstruck. He was silent for a moment, still leaning up against the door. He started walking to his bed. 

"Say, Y/N, you're a girl. What would i do to impress a girl that's already got a boyfriend?" He asked you, wanting a genuine answer. But you didn't want to give him one. It hurt. But you weren't quite sure why yet. 

"Oh well um. Every girl is different, you know? But flowers are nice. Just don't let Chet see you go near uh.. what is her name?"

"Chris. Chris Noel." Your heart sank. the way he said her name, you knew he was completely infatuated with her.

"Lovely name," You answered, slightly teary eyes. He didn't even know her. Luckily the light was off at this point, so he couldn't see your glossy eyes. 

"It is lovely. She's lovely. She's perfect." Knox was awestruck. A tear began to fall, followed my a few more. 

"Goodnight," you said, trying to hide the fact you were crying, but it slipped out.

"Hey, are you okay? You sound like you're crying," Knox sounded concerned as he reached for the light. You didn't want to explain to him why you would be crying.

"No! I mean no. I'm not crying. My voice quavered." You said, trying to sound confident.

"Oh okay. Goodnight then." He took his hand away from the light. 



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