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You and Knox ran all the way to the library and found the rest of the boys huddled up looking at a map of Welton and the surrounding area, trying to locate the cave. the only boy that wasn't huddled with them was Todd. He was sitting alone a table over, doing his work. They barely acknowledged you and Knox entering and joining in.

"Okay, follow the stream to the waterfall. It's right there. It's got to be on the banks," Neil whispered while marking the way to the cave with his fingers on the map.

"I don't know, guys, this is starting to sound dangerous," Cameron whispered from across the table. 

"Oh well why don't you stay home," Charlie said. You could tell Charlie didn't like Cameron, and for a good reason. You tried not to let other people's opinions dictate your feelings, so you still liked Cameron even though he was slightly annoying. 

"For God's sake will you stop chattering and sit down!" Mr. McAllister was the supervisor of study hall. No one listened to him and you continued on. 

"Hey, Neil, is Todd coming?" You asked. 

"Let's find out," Neil walked over to Todd's table and slid next to him while the rest of you continued to look at the map. You were in the center of the boys, closest to the map. Charlie had stood up to make room for you, and the only one sitting was Cameron across the table. you all stared at the map silently until Neil returned. Charlie's hand was on your shoulder. You couldn't hear anything Neil whispered to Todd until Todd whisper- shouted.

"No, Neil, Neil!" Todd blushed and looked back to his papers as Neil walked over to the group again. 

"Guys, Todd doesn't want to read. It's okay if he still come's right?" Neil explained. Each member of the group nodded or confirmed it was okay. Neil went back over to Todd to explain he could still come.

"Oh, shut up, will you," Mr. McAllister was smoking his pipe in the front of the room. Everyone listened this time. Everyone sat down at the table, and you went to sit with Todd. As you began walking towards him, you heard Cameron behind you. 

"Charlie, where are you going?" you ignored it and continued walking toward Todd. A few seconds later, Charlie slid next to you. You said nothing and continued doing your work. Charlie didn't say anything either and even he begun to do his work. You looked up and saw Charlie mouthing words to Knox. Knox saw you see and he looked at you for a quick second and he looked to his work again. As you looked to your left at Charlie, he looked at you and smiled. 


"Ready?" Knox whispered with his hand on the door knob. 

"Ready." You confirmed while putting on your robe. Knox opened the door as quietly as possible. It was dark and you couldn't turn on a light in fear of waking up the other boys in the corridor. Knox grabbed your hand to lead you down the hall. You ran into everyone else just as Hager's dog began to bark. Charlie gave him treats which gave you enough time to escape out the door.

The sharp daggers of the cold night air punctured your skin as you began running. The lake was covered in fog and the river had white frost along the banks thats sparkled in the moon light. Charlie whooped as you ran across the courtyard. When you reached the edge of the forest, you turned on your flashlights and ran even faster, excited for what was to come. The branches of the trees looked black against the background of white fog. Minutes passed and you were at the spot Neil had marked on the map. 

"Okay, everyone split up and see if you can find the cave," Neil instructed. you all nodded and began to look. 

"Argh, I'm a dead poet!" You heard Charlie yell "Guys, over here!" he laughed. Apparently he had startled Meeks.

"Jesus Charlie! You're funny. Real funny," Meeks said sarcastically. You all followed the sound of Charlie and Meeks and went into the cave. You found a dry spot on the ground next to Knox and Todd. Pitts let out a piercing yell as he hit his head on the top of the cave. 

"Nice going Pittsie," You adventured. You hadn't really been talking to anyone lately. 

"Ha, Ha, very funny Y/N" He laughed back. At this time Meeks tried to start a fire in the middle of the cave, but he was just filling the cave with smoke. 

"It's too wet," Meeks decided. 

"God, Meeks, are you trying to smoke us out of here?" Charlie moaned. 

"No, No, it's alright, the smoke's going out this opening," said Neil. He was the only one standing with the hymnal in his hand. "I hereby reconvene the Dead Poets Society," Neil states. You all cheered. "Shut up, Dalton," Charlie had cheered particularly loud. 

"Welton chapter. The meetings will be conducted by myself and the other new initiates now present. Todd Anderson, because he prefers not to read, will keep minutes of the meetings. I'll now read the traditional opening message by society member Henry David Thoreau. 'I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.-" 

'I'll second that," Stated Charlie. He took a drag from his cigarette while the boys giggle. Neil went on.

"To put to rout all that was not life, and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived." Knox whistled.

"Jesus," Cameron said under his breath. 

"Alright, intermission, Dig deep right here. Right here, lay it down," said Charlie. 

"On the mud? We're gonna put our food on the mud?" Cameron queried, disgusted, 

"Meeks put your coat down, picnic blanket," said Charlie. 

'Yes, sir. Use Meeks's coat," said Meeks, slightly annoyed. 

"Don't keep anything back either, You guys are always bumming my smokes," Charlie said

"Raisins?" Neil asked. 

"Yuck" you and Knox said this in unison. You looked at each other and laughed. 

"Wait a minute, who gave us half a roll?" Charlie complained. Pitts responded with a full mouth. 

"I'm eating the other half." 

"Come on!" said Charlie. 

"What, you want me to put it back?" Pitts asked rhetorically. 

"Alright, Y/N, what did you bring?" Charlie turned to you. You threw down two packs of cigarettes and a two more rolls. 

"That's what I'm talking about!" Charlie exclaimed, impressed. 



i was going to put the meeting into one chapter, but it was getting too long. i hope you're having a good day/ night wherever you are <3 - s.s.

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