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You sat down at the lunch table next to Cameron. You weren't paying attention until all of a sudden Neil shoved a book in your face from across the table. 

"What's this?" You asked 

"Have you not been listening at all? It's Mr. Keating's annual," said Neil. "Here listen to this. John Keating. Captain of the soccer team, editor of the school annual, Cambridge bound, Thigh man, and the Dead Poets Society." 

"Thigh man. Mr. K was a hell raiser." Charlie pitched in. You didn't participate in any other conversations until the end of lunch. You, Knox, Charlie, Pitts, Meeks, Cameron, Neil, and Todd raced after Mr. Keating with smiles on your faces.

"Mr. Keating!" Neil shouted. Keating didn't acknowledge him, although he must have heard. "Mr. Keating? Sir?" he paused. "O captain, my captain?" Keating turned around swiftly. 

"Gentlemen, lady," he smiled.

"We were just looking in your old annual," explained Neil. Keating gasped softly and the laughed. 

"No that's not me. Stanley 'the tool' Wilson" Keating spoke to himself, "God." Neil knelt down beside him.

"What was the Dead Poets Society?" Keating smirked with his twinkling eyes when Neil said this. 

"I doubt the present administration would look too fondly upon that."

"Why? What was it?" Neil was excited, just as you all were. 

"Now, can you keep a secret?" Keating smiled.

"Sure," responded the eager Neil. You all crouched down to listen. 

"The Dead Poets were dedicated to sucking the marrow out of life. that's a phrase from Thoreau that we'd invoke at the beginning of each meeting. You see we'd gather at the old Indian cave and take turns reading from Thoreau, Whitman, Shelley; the biggies. Even some of our own verse. And in the enchantment of the moment, we'd let poetry work its magic." 

"You mean it was a bunch of guys sitting around, reading poetry?" Knox asked with a cocked eyebrow. It wasn't worth it to be upset at him any longer. 

"No, Mr. Overstreet, it wasn't just 'guys.' We were romantics. We didn't just read poetry, we let it drop from our tongues, like honey. Spirits soared, women swooned, and gods were created, my friends. Not a bad way to spend an evening, eh?" Poetry had been a part of your life since before you were born. Your mother and father read it to you when you were unborn. The memories you had with your mother were all about poetry. She died when you were 14. It has been almost three years since you'd seen your father smile. He turned cold.

"Did you start the club, Captain?" Neil asked. 

"Yes me and my former friend, Lily. She was the beautiful exception to the 'gender rule.'" He responded, lust in his eyes, just how Knox looked when he was thinking about Chris. You froze. You stood fully up and spoke to Keating. 

"Captain, what was Lily's last name?" You waited anxiously. Your mother's maiden name slipped through his lips and it felt like the words passed right through you.

"You knew my mother?" He looked at you before standing up. His eyes began to fill with tears and he covered his mouth with his hand. He stepped over you and pulled you into a long hug as he smiled even bigger. He placed his hand on the back of your head. 

"Your mother. I never knew she had a daughter," he teared up. 

"I took my father's last name." You hugged him back. After a few moments he released you from the hug. The boys were smiling at you and Keating.

"Thank you, Mr. Perry for this trip down amnesia lane. Burn that, especially my picture." With his last words he turned on his heels and begun to walk across the green courtyard which was now golden in the afternoon sun. 

"Dead Poets Society." You heard Neil speak to himself.

"Y/N, how crazy is it your mom knows Mr. Keating!" Exclaimed Knox.

"I had no idea," You said. They didn't need to know she wasn't around anymore. 

"I say we go tonight," you could tell Neil desperately wanted this. The gloss that covered his eyes sparkled in the orange sunlight.

"Tonight?" Charlie tried to sound skeptical, but he too was intrigued. 

"Wait a minute, Neil-" said Cameron, Nervously. 

"Everybody in?" Neil cut him off and looked around. There were no responses at first.

"Where's this cave he's talking about?" Pitts had been silent until now. 

"It's beyond the stream. I know where it is." Neil was getting impatient but his eyes were hopeful.

"That's miles!" responded Pitts. 

Cameron started up, "Sounds boring to me." 

"So don't go," Charlie spoke. 

"You kids there! Hurry up" Hager shouted. You started walking faster. 

"Do you know how many demerits we're talking, Dalton?" He was right. But this was something that was meaningful. Was it worth the risk?

"So don't come, please," Charlie snapped. 

"Look, all I'm saying is that we have to be careful." 

"No Shit Sherlock!" 

"You there! Hurry Up," Hager practically screamed. The other students around the courtyard were sprinting inside, but your group was still huddled together, walking slowly.

"All right, who's in?" His eyebrow rose as he looked to each of you. After only a moment of silence Charlie spoke first. 

"I'm in." Neil smiled at him. Without thinking, you spoke next.

"Me too. If you'll have me," You beamed. Neil gave you a tight hug. With his arm still around you he spoke.

"Yes! Three for eight. Come on, Guys," 

"I'm warning you, move!" Hager clapped at you. 

"Me too," Cameron responded reluctantly. He knew it was wrong but that didn't mean he wanted to be part of it any less. Pitts started walking back to the school hastily.

"I don't know, Neil," He stared at his feet as he walked. 

"What? Pitts-" Neil was baffled. 

"Pittsie, come on!" Said Charlie.

"His grades are hurting, Charlie" Meeks explained

"You can help him, Meeks," said Neil.

"What is this, a midnight study group?" Pitts got defensive at the mention of his grades.

"Forget it Pitts, you're coming." Decided Neil. 

Meeks piped up, "I'll try anything once." You were all running toward Hager now.

"Except sex!" Chortled Charlie.

"I mean as long as we're careful," said Cameron, once more. You arrived at the door to the school. Everyone went inside and ran to class except for you, Knox, and Charlie. You walked slightly behind them.

"What about you, Knox?" Charlie asked him. 

"I don't know, Charlie," Knox was hesitant. 

"Come on Knox, it'll help you get Chris," Charlie held him by his chest. Knox didn't even know Chris. How could he like her so much? She couldn't be so special, besides, you knew him and she didn't. Reminding yourself of this made you feel better and took away any resentment you felt toward Knox.

"Yeah? How?" Knox was desperate for the answer. 

"Women swoon!" Charlie laughed. he glanced in your direction before opening the door and running from Knox. 

"Why do they swoon, Charlie? Charlie! Tell me why they swoon! Charlie!" Knox screamed as he ran after Charlie. You walked in the door calmly when Knox ran back to you. He grabbed you hand and pulled you along as you began running. You liked the way he acted around you. It made it seem like you'd always knows each other.

𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐩𝗼𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝗼𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲✩Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora