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The next morning you woke up on your own to find Knox wasn't in his bed. You continued on with your daily schedule, and went up to the third floor to shower. It was difficult to wash your hair since the cuts from Nolan's comb still left your head raw.  When you were done you went back to put on your uniform. Knox still wasn't in the room. You opened your door to head down to the dining hall when you ran into Charlie.

"Charlie!" you said as you ran up to him, "Where's Knox, and do you know why he's so upset?"

"No." Was all he said.

"No? Wh-" you started. 

"Look all I know is that he was sad and now he's not. He's walking around with a grin on his face. Probably because he's going to see Chris later." He picked up his pace to the dining hall. 

"Oh, well if you see him can you tell him tha-" 

"Stop. I think it's best if you stay away from us for a little while. My friends I mean." He stated, looking away. 

"Oh. Okay," you said, trying to seem like it didn't matter. 

"Bye," said Charlie. He walked ahead of you into the dining room and when you entered you saw Knox smiling and laughing with everyone else. You decided to sit on the side of the table where no one was a quietly finish your food by yourself because of what Charlie said. After breakfast you headed back to your room to get your books when you heard talking from Mr. Nolan's office. 

"I'm sorry, Mr. Overstreet, but you signed the document saying you were okay with having Ms. Y/L/N, as a roommate, and there's no changing that now."

"Are you sure, Sir? There's no other rooms available?" You heard Knox plead Mr. Nolan.

"I said no, Mr. Overstreet, off you go, you don't want to be late," Nolan pushed him out of his office and you ran into Knox around the corner. You walked silently side by side looking at the floor all the way to your room. You both went in and silently got your books and headed to class. Knox caught up with all the other guys and they acted like everything was fine, except he wasn't seemingly talking to Charlie. 


"A man is not 'very tired' he is 'exhausted.' And done use 'very sad' use- Come on, Mr. Overstreet, you twerp," Keating had a lively attitude today. He snapped at Knox in front of you,

"'Morose?'" Knox suggested.

"Exactly! Morose! Now, language was developed for one endeavor, and that is- Mr. Anderson, come on, are you a man or an amoeba?" Todd stared up at him and din't say anything. Keating pause before moving on. Keating looked 

"Mr. Perry?" He asked.

'Uh.. to communicate?" Said Neil.

"No! To woo women." The class laughed. 

"Now in this class, we're going to be talking about William Shakespeare." Most of the class moaned in protest. 

"I know, a lot of you look forward to this as much as you look forward to root canal work. We're gonna talk about Shakespeare as someone who writes something very interesting. Now many of you have see Shakespeare done very much like this, 'O, Titus, bring your friend hither.'" He fained an English accent that made the class giggle. "But if any of you have seen Mr. Marlon Brando, you know that Shakespeare can be different, 'Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears,'" this time he imitated Brando. "You can also imagine maybe John Wayne as Macbeth going, 'Well is this a dagger I see before me?!'" His Wayne impression was spot on. "But more on that later, surprise surprise! It's Friday, lads and lady. I hope you lot didn't forget about your original works that are to be delivered this Monday." The class let out out monotonous groan once again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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