Chapter 13: Brother Jeon the thirteen

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Lisa is deep asleep when she feels someone pushing her.

She opens a slit from her eyes, and in the blurriness under the lighting, she seem to see a handsome face.

"Lisa, you awake?" a low and deep voice asks.

Lisa turns her body to the other side and mumbles, "No!"

Jungkook watches her turn to the other side and sleep in a curled up position while standing beside the table and tapping his fingers on it. Old Zhou, who's beside him, seems as if he knew this was going to happen as he tries hard not to laugh.

Jungkook reaches over to grab her arm and pulls her up from the table.

"Wuuu......." but Lisa is just too tired. She has barely gotten any sleep for the past few days due to investigating the case, so she had originally planned to go home and sleep today. He pulls her to sit up, but her eyes are still closed with her head down, and her long hair in a mess.

"Let's go," Jungkook says indifferently.

"Mmm......" Lisa slowly falls down with her head against the table. She's actually asleep again.

Or more precisely, she still hasn't woken up yet.

Jungkook frowns as he stares at her sleeping body sagging like a puddle of mud.

That Taehyung sure is right. Beauty Lisa really needs others to watch out for her so that she doesn't get bullied.

Other than her looks and temper resembling a woman, she is exactly like a veteran criminal investigator in all areas; she's frivolous and crude.

After standing for a while, he pulls out the pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He tilts his head to light one up, takes a deep breath, and breathes out a long smoke ring.

Lisa is still half-awake, half-asleep when she suddenly smells a familiar delicious scent of cigarettes.

The taste permeates the air and slowly drifts towards her, surrounding her closer and closer. She sniffs her nose twice subconsciously.

She can then smell the scent of cigarette under her nose. It's close, very close, as if it is almost touching her lips.

She opens her mouth and takes a bite.

But nothing.

It's as if the scent of cigarette has grown a pair of legs and dashed away in a flash.

She opens her eyes and can finally see what's going on; Jungkook has one arm pressed on the table with the other holding a cigarette and looking down at her with his dark brown and deep set eyes.

He then puts the cigarette into this mouth.

"Get up."

Lisa gets up quietly.


1am at night.

A dark small street runs across the archives library's entrance. Under the bright moon shining as clear as water, it looks just like a meandering river; every step echoes crisply in the silence.

After a few steps, Lisa asks, "Have you found the person you're looking for?"

It's very dim, so Jungkook's face is blurry and she can only see the faint breaths of air that he breathes out.


Lisa keeps silent for a moment, and then says in her crisp voice, "It's okay, just keep looking. You'll find the person one day."

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