Chapter 38: My Gentleness

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The old man asks in surprise, "How did you guys end up here?"

Kang Min answers with a smile, "Uncle (a polite way to address an older man), we got lost. Can we stay here for one night? And is there a telephone here? We want to contact someone from the outside. "

The old man shakes his head, "Where would we have a telephone on a mountain like this? There are so many of you. I can't fit you all in here."

Kang Min puts his hands together, "Uncle, please, we are tired and thirsty, and it's cold outside. We can sleep on the floor."

The old man is still hesitating. Kang Min gives Iseul an eye contact, "Iseul."

Iseul nods, reaches into his chest pocket and pulls out a wallet.

The three of them are standing under the light at the front door, so their every move can be seen clearly. Iseul's wallet is rather simple looking, but it's stuffed full with a stack of hundred dollar bills as well as many bank cards

The old man also has his eyes fixed on the wallet. Kang Min fetches five bills and hands them to the old man, "$50 RMB per person. There are 9 of us. Here's $500 RMB. Can you also get us some food?"

The old man finally agrees. He takes the money, stuffs it into his pocket, and stands sideways to let them in, "Our farmhouses aren't very well equipped."

Kang Min says smiling, "Not at all. It's already good that we have a place to stay." He doesn't forget to be friendly towards the old man, "Uncle, you look quite familiar. Have we met before? You seem like someone who's always willing to help others out......"

The group enters the house one after the other.

Lisa is helping Jungkook, so they're walking at the end of the pack. Even though they're wet and leaning against each other, she can still feel a sense of warmth. They've walked this far already, and Lisa has never let go. He has also never let go and continues to wrap his arm around her shoulders.

It is indeed a very simple farmhouse. There is no ceiling. Just a few wooden beams can be seen running across and the roof made of tiles, filling the air with the smell of old lumber. The walls are bare and not painted. There are only one table and a few chairs at the center of the room. A few corn cobs are hanging on the wall. There's one bedroom that also has very simple decorations. There is also a backyard which has a small house, a washroom, and a kitchen.

It's already past midnight. Kang Min, Iseul, and Hyun Ki put down their things and have gone to find some food from the old man. The rest of them search for a spot to sit and rest.

Lisa helps Jungkook sit down on a chair. She can finally make out his face clearly under the light.

She notices right away that his lips are pale. It must be because the wound on his leg is still bleeding. Lisa feels her heart sting. She squats in front of him and says in a not so friendly tone, "You sure can endure pain."

Jungkook rests his arms on the armrests and looks down at her. After a while, he smiles suddenly, and then lifts his head back up and looks elsewhere

"I've always been able to endure pain."

Lisa's mouth twitches, yet his words sound as if he's making fun of himself . She doesn't think deeper into it. She pats his shoulder, "Sit here and don't move. Wait for me to come back."

A few minutes later, she carries a bunch of stuff back: she has asked the old man for a shirt, a pair of pants, a bucket of hot water, and some clean cloths.

"Change out of your wet clothes," she says simply.

Jungkook doesn't move. He glances at the things in her hands, "What about you?"

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