Mini Side Story: Chatterbox's Love History

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In contrast to Jungkook and Lalisa being a couple, the other three members of the Black Shield Team are single. But among them, Chatterbox is the most depressed. Because different from Cold Face, who's not good with interacting with women, and Bambam, who can't attract women at all, he has had a couple of girlfriends in these few years. But in the end, they all split up with up. Furthermore, the reason for them breaking up with him is really too upsetting!

First girlfriend; three-month relationship.

During the breakup, she said, "Chatterbox, everything about you is great, it's just that....... you're way too talkative. Your work is so busy, so every week, you can only be with me for half a day to a day. Sometimes, I don't even see you for ten days or even half a month straight. But once we see each other, you talk non-stop. You just keep talking, talking, and talking. Stuff like oh shit, and whether or not the weather is great. You even have to point it out if the color of my scarf is not right. If there's a person not crossing the street properly, you have to run over and lecture the person......I'm sorry, I really....I think that it's better for a man to be more composed and quiet. Let's just be friends."

Chatterbox was dumbfounded. Of course, their love wasn't deep, so he wasn't too sad. But after this first defeat, he still didn't realize his own problem. He believed that it was the girl who was strange. Which woman doesn't like a man who's caring and humorous, right?

Therefore, with his second girlfriend, they were in a relationship for a month.

It was the exact same scenario. Chatterbox was dumped again!


He thought about the pain and finally admitted that he was too talkative. Perhaps women do not like it. He decided that when he meets his next girlfriend, he would definitely try his hardest to be a quiet pretty boy. Finally, he was in a relationship for half a year with his third girlfriend.

They still broke up in the end!

This girlfriend was a rather fierce female officer, big sister. During the breakup, she said without holding back, "Chatterbox, you're quite a good looking guy, you're kind, and you have great skills in your profession. I originally wanted to get married to you. But I feel that there's something very wrong with you! During work, you're energetic and you chit-chat and smile with your team, but once you're with me, you seem to have no interest to chat. What's even more unacceptable is that only when we're in bed that you would keep talking, talking, and talking. You would talk about this and talk about that. Could it be that this is the only thing that you're interested in? Anyhow, I've mistaken you."

Chatterbox was completely shocked.

He admitted that he got a little excited when they slept together. But don't the books say that during sex, men should be more gentle and considerate, so they should ask them how they feel and stuff? And he was less talkative during other times because he wanted his girlfriend to like him, okay?

So being talkative didn't work, but being non-talkative didn't work either. Chatterbox is completely perplexed.

A certain night at the Black Shield Team's office.

Lalisa has gone to the washroom and isn't around. The office is left with the four men. After feeling perplexed for the whole day, Chatterbox can't keep it in himself any longer, so he pokes Cold Face beside him, "Hey, Cold Face, my girlfriend said I talked too much and broke up with me again. Sigh. I want to ask you, when you get busy in bed with your ex-girlfriend in the past, do you also not talk at all?"

This is quite a shocking question to be asked so frankly. Jungkook and Bambam both look toward them. Cold Face is a nice guy deep down inside. Although he thinks that this is a stupid question, seeing how Chatterbox has just broken up with another girlfriend, he answers kindly, "No talking. Can't keep up." Chatterbox feels his heart shake. Jungkook speaks up in support suddenly, "Mm. Can't keep up."

Chatterbox is speechless, "......"

F-k! Why do their words seem to carry a hint of superiority?

Bambam is speechless, "......"

This is too much! I'm......I'm still.......a you know.


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