Chapter 16: Obsession

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5pm in the afternoon.

Investigator Dong won is sitting inside the monitoring truck eating bread and staring at Chen Li Jiang on the monitor screen at the same time.

"Hey, nothing fishy, right?" his partner comes over, and pats his shoulder.

Dong won swallows the bread in his mouth, "Nope. Zeng Fang Ping chatted with him for a bit just now, and then the two of them got to work."

His partner takes a seat beside him, "Keep a close watch. Lisa called just now and said that Zeng Fang Ping could be the suspect of the third incident. They've gone to Baoan Temple to collect some evidence. We have to watch both of them. I wonder if this Zeng Fang Ping knows that he left footprints behind. If he tells Chen Li Jiang about it, he'll be on an alert.

Won wipes his mouth and says, "It should be okay. You see? They're both working fine at the factory. Moreover, we're watching their every move

Just like Won says, the next few hours pass by with everything going as normal, and it's quiet as usual in the truck. It's just that their truck is parked in the factory area, and there are limitations to the camera angles, so they can't watch both suspects every moment. But after a while, they'll appear on the screen again.


Dong Won is leaning against the chair staring at the monitor when he suddenly sits up straight, "Oh shit!" His partner immediately comes look, "What happened?!"

On the screen, for some reason, a young worker's clothes is caught by the machine; his whole body is being pulled into the spinning cutting machine. He's located in a rather unnoticeable comer. His face is full of shock and he is shouting for help, but probably because everywhere is too noisy that no one can hear him.

"Hurry and save him!" his partner opens the truck door and hops down. Won follows.

Everything happens within a few minutes.

When the two investigators run into the factory, their ears are ringing with the thunderous sound of machinery, almost burying the faint sound of someone shouting for help. They hurry to the corner; one of them dash to turn off the machine, and the other grabs onto the worker, trying his hardest to pull him out. Their appearance finally captures the attention of the other workers; everyone comes crowding over in full of shock, watching them save the worker in the last of minutes.

"This isn't right, Won!" his partner investigator says staring at the cutting machine, "The blade has been detached by someone."

Won's body shakes. They take a look around, but in the crowd of over ten. workers, Chen Li Jiang and Zeng Fang Ping are nowhere to be seen!

"Ran off?!" Lisa exclaims holding her phone, and makes eye contact with Jungkook, "Report this to the Branch immediately. Request for support, and seal off the area. We must not let them escape! They are reckless criminals. Tell everyone to watch their safety. "

Lisa hangs up the phone staring at the road in front of her. They have just returned from Baoan Temple and is very close to the old city district. The alleyway is just up front.

Jungkook is driving. Bambam's pair of sharp eyes catch a glimpse of something. He suddenly points outside the window, "Leader, there are motorcycles!"Jungkook and Lisa turn their heads at the same time. There's an auto shop at the intersection of the alley, and there are really two motorcycles parked there.

Motorcycles are obviously many times faster and more advantageous than cars when it comes to alleyways.

Jungkook parks the car in front of the auto shop; Lisa is the first one out of the car. She hops onto a motorcycle, puts on a helmet, pulls out her police badge and throws it to the shop owner who is rushing over, "We're chasing down a criminal! We'll need to borrow this and return it to you later!"

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