Chapter 42: Confidante (1 of 3)

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To Sang Won, what happened at the time was like a bizarre dream; exciting. despicable, horrifying, disgusting, and a tremendous sense of ecstasy.

The hazy night, the fragrance of the beautiful woman and her wailing and resistance were like stimulants, awakening the beast-like nature of every man . Pure pleasure. The greatest pleasure. Even Kang Min said that it was the most thrilling experience out of all the times that he had done it.

"We'll look for you again in a few days," Yoo Joon said. Just before leaving, he caressed Gu Ran's face and then threw the clothes back to her. When the three of them walked out of the forest, Sang Won turned around and saw that Gu Ran had slid down from the tree and was sitting on the ground. The sound of whimpering could be heard coming from the forest while she picked up the clothes and started putting them back on.

"Big K, she won't report it to the police, would she?" Sang Won asked.

Big K lit up a cigarette and answered, "Would she have the courage to do so? Didn't we tell her just now? Would she want to lose her job? Or lose her reputation? If anything happens to us, she and her poor mom and dad can end their lives."

Yoo Joon smiled, "Relax. She definitely won't have the guts to." He chuckled again, "Sang Won, just throw her some money afterward. Use a carrot and stick. She might even come back to us willingly then."

Thinking that he would be able to enjoy playing with this woman with his buddies, Sang Won was convinced. He nodded, "Okay. I'll take care of it."

No one knew how Gu Ran bumped into those farmers and was abducted by them. But some things happened like it was fate. On the second day, all three of them also took part in searching for Gu Ran. Unlike the others, they had a rough idea of where Gu Ran was on the night before, so they headed to the location first. They wanted to find her before everybody else so that they could threaten her some more as well as offering her some money in case she wanted to make it a big deal.

But it was not until late night that they spotted Gu Ran by the river about a few kilometers away with the group of farmers.

Gu Ran was in the water, trembling from being cold. The farmers, on the other hand, were standing by the shore.

The three of them didn't dare to make a sound. They hid behind bushes about a few meters away, watching them. It was October already, so the river on the mountain was cold like ice. They didn't know how long Gu Ran had been in the waters. Her face was pale, her lips were purple and she looked as if she was unaware of her surroundings. She wasn't crying. She was shaking while standing in the water that was up to her neck. She didn't dare to walk up to the shore. It was because there were two farmers holding a machete and a wooden bat, guarding her at the shore. Whenever she came near, a loud "thump!" sound could be heard from the machete striking a rock, scaring her to retreat.

"How much longer?" one of the farmers asked.

"It's about time. This one isn't as strong as the last one," another farmer said.

"Her skin is so smooth, but her boobs are a bit small."

"Then how come you had her twice at noon today?"


All the farmers laughed. Their honest looking faces made it seem like they were only discussing the weather and their harvest.

"Shit......" Yoo Joon cursed softly, "They're trying to kill Gu Ran, aren't they?"

Sang Won's heart pounded heavily hearing his words. He asked without thinking, "Should we call the cops?"

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