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I hope you enjoy this even with the mistakes. Sorry for the delay.
Leonid sat at the piano playing his favourite music. He didn't know he had an audience. He always came early to practice before the rest of the students arrived. He had begged Danila to help pay his first fee installment before he got a job.

He never knew his parents. They had died when he was young making Danila drop everything including his studies so he could be a dad to him. Leo knew what his brother did. He had joined the bratva to make his life simple. The older her got the more he felt guilty because he felt like he was the reason his brother was into that kind of life. Danila never complained about anything he just did what he could with a smile on his face.

Leo was studying chemical engineering and at the same time was part of a musical group because of his love for music. He was currently working on the song he had written few days ago. He was so immersed into it he didn't notice his teacher Miss. T gwak at his awesome music. It was like he saw the music not felt it.

Miss. T and the other students started clapping as soon as the music was over. This startles him so much he almost fell off the stool.

"Bravo, bravo, that was fantastic. You have given me an idea for the next music competition. I have entered some of you in the competition. Some in pairs and others individually. For the final act the whole class will play and we have just found our opening act," she stated proudly while looking at Leo.

Leo felt like all the air left his lungs. He was shocked beyond belief. He started sweating bullets and when he saw his class mates approach him, he did the only thing he could and took off taking his backpack with him. He rushed to the second floor but he was immediately pulled towards the dancing studio when he saw two ladies dancing to a song he didn't quite understand the beat. His panic attack forgotten, he slowly tiptoed towards the door even when he knew no one was looking at him. He slowly got in and stood at the door admiring the sight before him.

The two ladies moved in sync as if they had been born dancing. One was short while the other was tall. They both had the same skin complexion. They were so concentrated on the moves and music that they did not notice the audience of one they had attracted.

Amy smiled at herself knowing someone was watching. All the training she had done with her uncle still came in handy especially when protecting herself. She turned just to be sure when she saw a young handsome man standing at the door. He had brown eyes and was very tall and on the slim side. He wore big ugly looking glasses but that didn't hide the fact that he was handsome. He looked like a nerd but in a good way. When he felt she was looking at him, he turned his head towards her and waved slightly before turning and continuing with her dance. It soon came to an end and her friend excused herself.

Amy took her time hoping that maybe the stranger had walked away only to be surprised that he was near her. She hadn't heard him move.
" Hey, I thought you left after the music stopped. What are you even doing here. Sorry if I am being rude. I am Amy by the way," she introduced stretching her feeling awkward not knowing what to say.

"Leo, I will not shake your hands. I don't like to be touched. How do you dance like you have no bones. I am sorry if it came out wrong. You looked so beautiful together. I wish I could move like that," he said with a far away look.

" I can tell my dance coach to teach you too," Amy offered. She wasn't very outgoing to strangers but for some reason it was easy to talk to him.

"I couldn't dance like that even if I wanted to and besides I know it costs a lot. I can't afford a dance coach right now."

" Its ok, this studio belongs to my sister. The dancing coach is paid to train any student by my sister who also likes dancing.

" Does everyone in your family dance? He asked curiously following her to the only seat in the room.

MY RUSSIAN MOBSTER (Tatiana's story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu