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"I will be terminating our contract at the end of the month," Tatiana informed her partner.

" Well, it's about time you did that," one of the occupants in her office replied which made the others gasp.

" Ma, you can't say that. She is one of our biggest clients," the other occupant shouted standing up.

" You think I don't know what's been going on? I might be old but not senile. I have a talk every now and then with people at the orchid and they tell me things. You think I don't know how many times you have cancelled on her because your wife has booked other clients who pay less or who receive a family discount? I know you love your wife, I have news for you Benito, family and business don't mix. I have watched long enough. I might be on this wheelchair but I will be damned if my busines is run to the ground because you are a sissy who can't stand up to your dreamless wife. I love you both so much because you are my son and she my daughter in law. I slept hungry and I bled to start that business.

I slept in a shark I built in that property because some people didn't want me on that property. I bought a gun for the first time in my life and I never slept a wink the first two nights because I was afraid it would be taken away. If I fought so hard for it, as long as I am still here, nobody will take away what I have worked for including you."

" Mum, listen, I am sorry that I have not been paying attention to the business as much as I should but that doesn't provide grounds for her to terminate the contract," Benito tried to reason with his mother.

" I gave your business a chance so many times. You have been canceling my bookings. At first it was maintenance, then double bookings then booked the whole month even when I found out that the place wasn't booked. Then now, is bad publicity because of what the tabloids are saying about me. You always have the right excuses when I want the venue. The orchid is the first choice for any bride. Why do you think they choose it? They choose it because of the facilities,the services provided, accessibility and because it's beautiful with all the flowers in it, and  because they realise their dreams at that place. The reason I haven't already terminated the contract is because your mother took a chance on me when no one else would.

" When everyone else saw a rich spoilt brat, your mama saw a rough diamond that needed to be polished. I slowly started giving her ideas and she took them at heart. She gave me a reason to follow my dreams. When I wanted to start this business, she was so glad to let me go. "You have so much potential and I want you to realise it, that was what she said. You may think that a contract binds us for as long as it's stipulated but one thing you don't know is your mum and I always had an understanding. That if either of our businessess didn't meet the standards, then the other would terminate the contract. I love your mother, but as she said business is business."

" So you just want us to ignore the fact that you are on the news for negative reasons? Benito's wife asked condescendingly.

" This is the part where I tell you not to believe everything you see on the news. You are supposed to give me the benefit of doubt here. And we both know that's just an excuse you are using to not allow me on the grounds.  Let's face it, you don't like me for some reason, however, I would like you to look past your hate for me and keep your mind on the business. As long as there is this stupid war between us, we won't be going anywhere."

" This war between you and me will never end as long as she keeps comparing me to you. I hate that I have to compete with you," Bea shouted angrily.

" Yes, I compare her to you every time and I don't deny it. You know why, cause you spend most of your time doing exactly the opposite of what I ask. You think I don't know that you have been bad mouthing me with the staff. If my daughter in law talks smack about me behind my back? Then how are my employees going to treat me. I treat you different and compare her to you so you can actually open your eyes and be the soul of this business. In case you haven't noticed you are the one managing it now since Benito is out working for another company.

MY RUSSIAN MOBSTER (Tatiana's story)Where stories live. Discover now