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Tati was in and out of consciousness. Dee sat in room looking at her daughter with so much fear in her heart. She was taken back years ago when Tati had had a horse back riding accident. When she had seen the news and rushed to her baby, she had hoped she was ok and among the people who were safe. How wrong she had been. The emergency room reception nurse had rushed to her a phone in her hand, tears in her eyes and Dee had immediately surmised what was going on.

Dee had immediately been directed to the operating room. Her nemesis Dr. Vicente was in charge. When he saw her, his face had morphed to that of sorrow and promised to do everything to help her. He had allowed her into the operating room just to hold her hand.

The operation had taken long especially when they couldn't find the bleeds in her abdomen yet she was losing so much blood. Dee thought on many occasions that she was finally going to let her go. But she refused to let that be her last thought, so she just sat on the stool one of the nurses offered and held Tati's hand. She said all the prayers she could for her. The surgery had taken two hours. When she had left the operating room, she couldn't even walk. The anesthesiologist, had requested a wheelchair be brought for her seeing as she had almost collapsed.

They wheeled her out still holding Tati's hand. She couldn't let go off her hand fearing that the moment she let go she could lose her. She wasn't ready for that. The moment she reached the doors, she saw her husbands rush to her but she couldn't say anything. She burst out in tears her hand still in Tati's refusing to let her go.

" How is she? Alexey kept asking. He couldn't standing seeing his wife in pain as Hugo held her like her life depended on it.

" Her lung was hit, I had to remove part of her lung that was affected. It was hard for a while but I am sure she will recover fully. She will use an oxygen tank for a while until the swelling goes down but other than that I expect everything to be ok. Injuries like this are very sensitive but thank goodness nothing else was affected as the bullet went in. She can rest now," the doctor replied.

" Thank you, Dee whispered as they pushed Tati's gurney to her recovery room.

" We take care of each other here. Besides Tati is a great addition to the hospital. It was just bad luck that the hospital isn't as safe as it should. But she is a strong young woman. I believe she will be ok," he replied to her.

Dee wanted to say something but just nodded and followed her husbands to the room. She walked into them fussing over her. They had hardly settled when Amy coming rushing into the room.

" I saw it on the news, I called the family. Someone leaked that she had been shot. Her fans are already gathering outside with candles. Who would do something like this to her? She asked hugging her dad tightly in tears.

" We don't know yet munchkin, but we don't have to ask those questions right now. We will let the police do their jobs. We just have to sit with her and support her. The family sat holding onto each other. No one spoke for hours until the family started pouring in all with long faces. The floor had already been sealed with bodyguards on each end because zealous paparazzi were already trying to gain access to the room.

No staff bothered to ask them to leave because no-one was going to leave her side. As they sat silently they heard a commotion outside.

Dee was almost dosing off when she heard commotion from outside.

" You are not allowed in, it's just family," they heard one of the guards shout.

" I am not leaving, I am going in to see her on way or another. Move before I blast your head," an unknown voice threatened.

MY RUSSIAN MOBSTER (Tatiana's story)Where stories live. Discover now