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Tati walked around the house in her tights singing to herself. She had been discharged three weeks ago and was finally getting used to the ugly ass oxygen tank she had to drag along. She hated it but even laughing was painful to her. Her living room was full of presents that people had sent her wishing her quick recovery. She didn't know what to do with all of them but Amy and her brother Danila were coming over later to help her sought out a few things.

She was going to group them in different categories so she could give them to Amy, Danila and her friend Mariluz. The doctor had given her a go ahead to finally pump milk for the baby. She had a few bottles that Tony the driver had to pick up. She was going to send the milk with the gifts. There was a knock on her door. She looked at the security camera on her phone checking who it was. Since the shoot out, she was getting panic attacks but didn't want to tell anyone. The reason she had insisted on leaving alone was because she kept having nightmares and didn't want her family to be worried about her.

However, she was quickly realizing that her problems were increasing day by day. Her stalker was not showing signs of slowing down, he or she was very persistent. They had send her flowers everday in the hospital according to her mother. Then there was the issue of the case she was investigating. Dimitri had put it on hold to clean his house. She had known that his business came first before her issues. But she was still stressed because she didn't know if it would be solved on time. She was keeping tabs on Dantes mother but each day she was getting distraught with the information the doctors were giving. Maybe she was doing it for her sake and not justice but it was too late to cancel everything. She needed to know what would become of the case.

She was quickly pulled out of her thoughts when she realized it was her siblings at the door. They had brought the younger ones with them. She smiled unlocking the door. She missed them so much. Andria was older by three minutes ,she never let Azia have a word. She would remind her every time they had an argument.

Goodness, Danila do you have to drive like an old lady," Amy complained as soon as she walked in. I am not letting you drive us back, I will do it or call Elio to drive us back home."

" At least I drive like an old lady, you don't drive at all, besides papa said to be careful with his girls, I wouldn't let anything happen to you," he shot back walking into the kitchen.

" Great, nobody is even greeting me in my house, I am fine by the way," Tati complained.

" It's those two that don't know how to keep quite, boy they kept going the whole journey here, they are so frustrating," Andria commented like the drama queen she was. Azia just looked around the house already interested in the teddy bear that sat in the corner.

" Can I have this sissy? She asked as soon as she held it.

" Of course baby, I bought it specifically for you," she replied.

"Where are Maxim and Aurelio? I thought everyone was coming.

" Maxim is visiting his dumb girlfriend and Aurelio went for his classes at church. I swear he is serious about becoming a priest. The funny thing is every time he brings it up papa and dad just weave out of the conversation. I like seeing them squirming," Danila replied sipping on the orange juice he had found in the fridge. Danila sure liked his food. His mouth was always eating or sipping on something.

" I thought it was just a phase? I swear he is odd," Amy scoffed going through the presents.

" Hey, be nice to your brother even in his absence. We all knew at one point he was gonna take this very seriously, he has always been the one to go the opposite direction. Remember when dad transferred you to a high end private school and he requested to be sent to a public Catholic school. The dads spend days trying to convince him to just go to that international school. But he was so adamant even called the priest to come talk to mum and dads. If this is the way he feels, then I will support his decision a hundred percent. Frankly speaking, I think the world needs more people like him," Tati defended his brother. Tell me about Maxim's dumb girlfriend? She asked excitedly changing the subject. You get shot and you miss on everything, she joked and they all laughed except Andria who started crying.

MY RUSSIAN MOBSTER (Tatiana's story)Where stories live. Discover now