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"Are you sure she will come? Sacha asked Dimitri for the umpteenth time. He was already feeling antsy. She was meant to be at the restaurant an hour earlier and she was yet to show up.

" She will, she is always late," Dimitri answered sipping his whiskey.

" You never told me how you get along with her considering she has been the topic of gossip and people refering to her as the ice princess," Sacha stated trying to calm down. They were in Dimitri's office.

" You never asked besides, the little time I have spent with Miss Tati has been very enjoyable though it's mostly business, she is a good listener and gets to challenge me sometimes when she doesn't agree with me. As you know am not fond of gossip therefore I try as much as I can to see her for who she really is and not just follow what everyone else is saying about her," he answered.

" You are right. If I form a perception due to the news flying around, I come to a biased conclusion. I will just wait for her. See the real Miss Tati."

" I said no calling me Miss Tati," Tatiana chastised as she rushed into Dimitri office. " I am so sorry Dima, I had a family emergency that I couldn't get out of. Anyways am here now what's the favour?" She rushed in giving Dimitri a quick hug.

The room was silent as both men looked at her as she spoke. Sacha from fascination from finally being close to her. They ran in the same circle but Tati was always out of reach. Dimitri looked at her with so much admiration, a feeling he didn't know he possessed. Even as he hugged her, he realised he didn't want to let go he had come to appreciate the little hugs they shared. She grabbed his glass of whiskey without asking gulping drink in one go as if it was nothing.

" Are you just going to stare at me? She asked occupying the empty chair in the room.

" I am just shocked that you gulped my whiskey without even flinching," Dimitri said still perplexed at her.

" And I am just reeling from the fact that Tatiana Ricci-Stepanov is seated across from me," Sacha said smiling from ear to ear.

Tati hadn't noticed him because of the dim light in the room. When realization hit. She quickly slapped her hand on her mouth in shock. " Oh my God, Dimitri why didn't you tell me I was sitting with a legend," she said standing up walking towards Sacha.

Sacha quickly stood up smiling sheepishly. He glanced towards Dimitri who shrugged laughing at the exchange. Sacha raised his eyebrows not believing how relaxed Dimitri was. He was pulled into a tight hug before she went to seat back down.

" I am so sorry that I interrupted your meeting. I will just hear the favour then I will be out of your hair," she apologized.

" Unfortunately you can't do that and you were not interrupting anything. The legend is the one who needs your favour," Dimitri interjected when he realised she wanted to say something more.

Her eyes enlarged like saucers as she looked at Sacha. " Ok, I am surprised that you wanted a favour from me. I have admired your work from a distance. Got all your music and followed your work closely but never in a million years have I ever thought that you would want me to do anything for you."

Dimitri walked around the table and refilled her glass. He then went into the other side of the office so he could give them space to plan what Sacha had in mind. Even as he walked away, Dimitri chose to sit in a position where he could clearly have a view of her. He didn't know what was coming over him. But lately he had been finding himself thinking about her a lot. He thought about little things he had never paid attention to in any women. He noticed he liked her short hair, how she always put on her heels which made her almost the same height as he was. He liked how she snorted when she laughed hard or when she rolled her eyes at him. He liked how she always put her family first and how she treated his men with respect. Every time he sent them on security duty, they would come back complementing her. She had bought each one of them something to appreciate them whenever they went out. He quickly cleared his head to get those thoughts out of his mind. He knew that nothing could come out of him wanting anything with her. He made a mental note to himself to call his lay. In his mind, he knew he wasn't good for her.

MY RUSSIAN MOBSTER (Tatiana's story)Where stories live. Discover now