Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

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So, did I manage to sleep at all since the last time I had written? Hell nah. Am I extremely tired? Hell yeah. Am I gonna get sleep today or in the future? Hell nah.

Anyways, hi. So, I'm alive, somehow. Anyways, I have been trying to get some more sleep. I'm gonna ask my parents if there might be any sleeping medicine or gummies that I can try. Cause I am getting real big dark circles under my eyes and my teachers are starting to wonder if I'm alright. I'm fine, I'm just an insomniac. Anyways, enjoy.

"We are conducting some tests and trying to see if we can find any other materials that could help you temporarily get rid of your telepathy," Kyoya said, trying to do everything in his power to help his niece with her telepathy. They've tried a lot of different combinations, but so far, nothing has seemed to work. "If you're free today, do you think you could come over to the lab after school?"

"Yeah, I got nothing planned, besides," (Y/n) said, a deadpan expression on her face. "It's dad's night to cook...and that means smoke in the house..."

"That does sound like Tamaki," Kyoya chuckled. "We are going to try food combinations. Maybe your telepathy would turn off through digestion instead of physically touching something."

"That could work," (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. "But if it isn't possible, then that's alright."

"You do know that means you'll have to try eating (least favorite food), right?" Kyoya asked.

The girl flinched a little " I have to....?"



"Kusuo!" (Y/n) cheered happily, running over and hugged her boyfriend who was sitting at his desk. "Good morning! How are you?"

"You're too energetic in the morning," Saiki sighed. "And I'm not doing well, at all."

"What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked, releasing him from the hug and sat on his desk, her left side facing him while she faced the window.

"I found a stupid hamster," Saiki pulled out the little yellow hamster that he hid in his uniform. "He did find his owner, but the kid already got another pet, so now he's stuck with me. Amp tried to help, but that cat is useless."

"A hamster?" (Y/n) asked curiously. "Did you try asking around the classroom?"

"Not yet, wanna join?" Saiki asked.


"Hairo!" (Y/n) said happily, getting the boys attention. "Saiki and I found a hamster!"

"A hamster?" Hairo asked.

"Yes, do you want it?" Saiki asked, holding up his right arm where the little hamster's head was popping out of his sleeve.

Hairo ended up taking the hamster home as a test drive, to see if he would be able to take care of the little creature. The Hamster didn't like his name, and Hairo ended making the little creature ended up doing so much running, when he was returned to Saiki and (Y/n), he was exhausted.

Next was Kaidou's turn to test drive. The hamster ended up getting another name he didn't like how Kaidou scared him, and he couldn't sleep all night.

(Y/n) took over, since Saiki looked like he was ready to just chuck the hamster out the window. She talked to Yumehara, and she ended up taking the hamster for a day as well. She called him Shun, after Kaidou since she has such a big crush on him. The hamster got dressed up, not to their liking. Yumehara ended up talking to the creature very early in the morning, and the hamster returned to (Y/n), holding their head.

Next was Teruhashi. (Y/n) took care of it since Saiki didn't want to talk to the blue haired girl.

But, to the hamsters dismay, Teruhashi has a cat. That would not end well at all, especially since Amp did not leave such a good impression on the hamster. Well, that goes both ways with cats and hamsters.

"It's true, it can't be helped," Saiki and (Y/n) were both outside the classroom, with Saiki talking to the hamster. He's the only one who can understand animal thoughts, while (Y/n) can only understand human thoughts. "Choose one of the three."

"But what about that girl who always hugs you and holds your hand?!" The hamster yelled.

"She doesn't have enough time to take care of a pet," Saiki said. That is true. Due to (Y/n)'s work, and her families work, no one would be around to take care of a pet. There are maids and butlers, but Haruhi said they weren't going to make their staff take care of a pet that should be their responsibility. "So she's out of the question."

"Please give me another chance!" The hamster yelled. "I'm only a hamster."

"But there's nobody else to ask." Saiki pointed out.

"Wait, Nendou?" (Y/n) asked.

"Oh, is that a hamster?" Nendou asked, suddenly appearing behind Saiki and (Y/n). "Let me see it, borrow it and pet it."

"You're going to freak the hamster out if you continue to do that weird thing with your fingers." (Y/n) said.

"Don't touch me!" The hamster yelled.

"Well, he's here already," Saiki said, looking over at the taller male. "Let's give him a shot."

"Don't be stupid!" The yellow furred creature yelled. "A guy of his brain and brawn could never keep me."

"Leave it to me." Nendou said.

The hamster ended up loving Nendou. Turns out Nendou had a pet hamster when he was younger, and he took great care of it. So now, he's sneaking his new friend in class.

"At least he found a good home," (Y/n) smiled, watching as Nendou tried to keep his little furry friend down and out of sight from the teacher. "You were telling me the hamster thought Nendou was going to be a bad owner cause of his looks. Never judge a book by it's cover!"

"By the way, how's the hole looking for a turn off switch to your telepathy going?" Saiki asked, not paying attention to the lesson since he was more interested in talking to his girlfriend.

"No leads," (Y/n) sighed. "Uncle Kyoya tried to see if I could turn off my telepathy through food, like maybe ingesting something would do the trick. I'm still trying different foods, and sadly I have to try eating (least favorite food) tomorrow, and I am not looking forward to that."

"If the author of this book makes it that way, then they obviously hate you."

"Wait what? What author?"

"Never mind."

"Tell me! I'm curious!"

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