Fudge Brownies

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This is a filler chapter. These are going to be moments when Saiki's feelings had developed more for (Y/n), until he realized this crush of his was more like love.

During the summer holiday, (Y/n) did not get the chance to enjoy her little childhood. Her life has always been full of work, school, work, school, and work. Work more than school if we're being honest. (Y/n) didn't get to make many friends at her school, since she's always been away. Besides, the thoughts of all these kids were dead giveaways that they only talked to the girl because their parents had told them to, and because they thought they could get good toys and free food. This was something she was always told to listen for when it came to making friends form Kyoya, and somewhat Mori.

But, Saiki was the only one who had treated (Y/n) like she was on an equal level as everyone else.

So, while (Y/n) was away due to the work she was given, Saiki would use his teleportation powers to visit the girl whenever she had a break. Of course, this meant Tamaki would catch the two eating sweets in the dining area of the hotel, or watching movies in the room. He would be kicked out, but that did not stop him from seeing his friend.

"This job is really starting to tire me," (Y/n) whined, laying down on one of the lobby couches. She had just returned to the hotel after a photo shoot for a movie she's supposed to be in. Right now, she's gotta do the photo shoot for promoting the movie. Near the winter is when the movie will start shooting, and the end of summer is coming. "I haven't had a day off all summer... I really need some time to sleep..."

"Do you want me to bring you home?" Saiki asked, sitting down on the couch next to his friend, a lollipop in his mouth while holding (Y/n)'s favorite cold drink, making sure it doesn't spill since the coffee table in the lobby broke, blame Tamaki for that one.

"As much as I would love to go home, my father wouldn't be happy if I were to suddenly go home and my mom would give me a stern talking to, and I don't want to be lectured by her. Yes mom sets good examples, but I would like to avoid a lecture today..." (Y/n) said, reaching for her drink and took a large sip.

"Yeah, and you mom is kinda scary when she gets serious," Saiki said. "No wonder you mom and my mom get along so well. Those to can be so sweet when they want to, but the moment they get angry or serious, they can scare our fathers into their graves."

"Yeah," (Y/n) said, giving her cup back to Saiki, who happily held it for his friend. "Isn't you mom a little sad that you keep coming here instead of staying home and spending time with her? And your dad?"

"Mom is happy actually," Saiki said. "She said she's happy that I'm spending time with someone who I consider a friend. And besides, my parents like the privacy."

"Oh boy." (Y/n) sighed, rolling her eyes a little. "Are you going to join me for the next photo shoot? There's going to be a table full of sweets, and as long as the crew know that you're with me, you can have all the sweets you want."

"I'll join."

Today is the first day Saiki would be getting his antennas from his older brother, and this was a time where (Y/n) would miss her entire busy schedule. Saiki has been having some... accidents that concerned his powers. He had gotten very worried about (Y/n) whenever she came over to play, especially since these accidents happened more and more often whenever he had gotten older.

What officially made Saiki know that he needed to get something to get rid of his powers was when one of (Y/n)'s toys had exploded. It was a really new one, one that (Y/n) was looking forward to get. Saiki had an accident, and it ended up exploding. Granted, Saiki thought (Y/n) was going to get mad at him, scream at him, cry, hit him or something, he felt like he had deserved it. But nope, (Y/n) was more concerned about Saiki's hands since he was holding onto the toy. Of course, Tamaki got angry and bought (Y/n) the entire company that produced the toy that exploded. (Y/n) had her glasses wearing uncle sell it back to the owners for a cheaper price.

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