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"(Y/n)! Get over to my house right now! There is a major problem!" Saiki's voice ran through the girls head, making her stop petting a little kitty cat that was at her feet.

"What's the problem?" (Y/n) asked, unconcerned. She wasn't that concerned, considering she's been through hell and back when it comes to the adventures she gets dragged along with Saiki.

"My telepathy was gone!" Saiki yelled, making the girl actually start to panic.

"Oh god! Stay at your place! I'll be right there!" (Y/n) yelled, and quickly ran to her friends house.

"So you're telling me that this ring can take your telepathy away?" (Y/n) asked, holding the ring in her hand. For some reason, her telepathy wasn't gone.

"It's made from Germanium, and that seems to be what's taking away my powers. I"m kinda surprised it didn't take your telepathy away though." Saiki took the ring back from his friend, and set it on his desk. "Maybe this will be one step for me getting rid of my powers."

"But your powers are still pretty cool." (Y/n) said, standing behind him while she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, resting her chin on his pink hair. "So what's your first plan with this new ring? Get a new video game? Watch a TV show you've always wanted to watch?"

"How about we just go to the movies?" Saiki asked, putting the ring on.

"Are you sure?" (Y/n) asked, using her telepathy.

"Uh, I can't read your mind right now." Saiki said, actually moving his mouth at the moment.

"Oh right, your telepathy disappears when you have that ring on. It's kinda weird talking to you and seeing your mouth move as well, it's kinda weird, but also kinda cool. Now I can see you actually can talk." (Y/n) joked. An old joke since they were kids, was that Saiki didn't know how to talk, since he never moved his mouth.

"Anyways, we should get going. We don't wanna miss the movie." Saiki said, grabbing his friends wrist and started dragging her to the movies. Considering he never got the chance to see a movie without any spoilers, this was what he had wanted to do his entire life.

"Hey, wait a second. Wasn't there a movie that you wanted to see when you were a little kid? Even though the very first showing of the movie? Didn't the ticket lady spoil it for you?" (Y/n) asked, following her best friend into town to go to the movie theater.

"Yeah, and that was one of the worst things of my life. There were too many people thinking so many things when I went anyways. I thought the rest of the movie would be good, but too many people were complaining and not staying quiet. I just gave up at that point." Saiki sighed, a small aura of sadness and defeat was around him, but there wasn't a lot.

"Well, things should be better this time, even though I would still hear everyone's thoughts." (Y/n) laughed a little.

"Wait, I forgot the ring doesn't work on you. Never mind, we can see the movie another day. or when I can find a way to get your telepathy to turn off." Saiki was about to turn back around to go home, but (Y/n) stopped him with a tug of the jacket.

"Hey. It's alright. Besides, the movies in the theater are ones I've already seen before they even got out to the public. Kinda glad mom and dad watch the movies with me before they get released." (Y/n) tried to pull her friend towards the theater, since they were almost there. "Besides, your ring has your powers turned off, so you won't hear any spoilers from me.

Saiki sighed, forgetting that (Y/n)'s family tends to have some influence on the movie world, and they can see the shows before they are even put out to the public.

And just as (Y/n) thought, Saiki was having a rough time trying to do things without his telepathy. He did get the tickets, along with getting the food. He did get enough for (Y/n) and him, but he was a little too happy. Then all the food was wasted due to a stuck up couple walking by, and Saiki complaining about not having his telepathy to avoid wasting all the food.

"I guess it isn't super fun when you don't have telepathy." Saiki sighed, reversing a day on his clothes, getting all of the butter and other stains out of his clothes from when people had ran into him.

"That's true." (Y/n) said, putting her hood up while keeping her head down. Since she is famous, she doesn't exactly want to draw attention to herself when it comes to crowds. That's why she was wearing one of Saiki's sweaters, that had a hood that could cover her head. Holding onto his arm to make it seem like it was only a couple looking for their seats, the two sat down. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"I guess not." Saiki was paying attention to (Y/n) and helping her with her coverup, that he didn't notice who was sitting next to her.

"Um...Saiki?" A very familiar, and annoying voice asked, asking the two look to see who it was. It was someone they really did not want to see. "Oh, what a coincidence!"

"A coincidence indeed." (Y/n) snickered, while pulling the hood up higher over her face so she wouldn't have to see Saiki's annoyed expression with her.

Teruhashi looked away from Saiki, seemingly nervous. There was a little bit of sweat on her head, while her face was flushed a little red. Her brows were creased, meaning she had something on her mind.

The two friends looked at one another, and looked at her. Even though Saiki dind't have his telepathy, their faces did all of the talking for them. It was kinda a surprise to see Teruhashi like the way she is. Of course, (Y/n0 didn't think of prying in on her thoughts, since right now, she was more worried for her friend who didn't know what to do either.

"Hey Saiki, I'm not just making up an excuse but I don't want you to get the wrong idea, see, I'm here with someone, but." Teruhashi tried to explain.

"With someone?" (Y/n) asked, peaking out from behind Saiki's arm. To (Y/n), it was a slight surprise to see that Teruhashi hasn't tried to question him about (Y/n), or even notice she was there. She must have been to busy trying to think of a way to explain to Saiki that she was there with someone, and probably try and say it isn't a date or something. Though, (Y/n) was kinda glad to see that there was no attention brought to her, or who knows what Teruhashi would have done if the (Y/n) Suoh was there.

"Kokomi! I got us popcorn!" A boy said, walking over. He had slightly lighter hair and was wearing a pair of sunglasses.

"Uh oh..." (Y/n) said, hiding her face within Saiki's side, not wanting to be seen.

"(Y/n)?" Saiki asked, looking down at his friend with a questioning look.

"You there! What are you doing with my Kokomi?!" The guy asked, taking off his sunglasses.

Saiki looked down at the picture of the main actor of the movie, and looked up to the guy standing in front of them. Saiki quickly pieced together the puzzle, and he was not happy with the results.

"Run!" (Y/n) yelled, and grabbed her friends hand, running out of the theater as fast as they could not wanting to get stuck in the crowd.

Hey people. Sorry for not updating in forever. I've been busy with online classes, and I have tendinitis in my right hand, which means the tendons in my hand are inflamed, and it hurts to do anything. Online classes are now starting, and I am taking longer at the moment to finish all of my assignments. Sorry about that. Cya guys!

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