Meeting the Twins

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I put the twins in matching orange striped shirt, blue jeans, and some off-white shoes.(no bag or glasses)

 I made sure that both the twins hair was was done, they have the most beautiful curls ever

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I made sure that both the twins hair was was done, they have the most beautiful curls ever. I think they get the curls for me and east, I've never seen his hair out though because it's always in braids.

I decided to wear orange cropped shirt to match the kids, and some black jeans and orange Jordan 1's,

I decided to wear orange cropped  shirt to match the kids, and some  black jeans and orange Jordan 1's,

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Once we were already we headed over two the ice cream shop where we were all meeting. I'm not gonna lie I am a little nervous to see how the kids are going to react Because I told them that he was on a secret mission.

East P.O.V
I was on my way to the ice cream shop or we all had agreed to meet up. I had all four of my best friends in the car with me then we were just talking.
"do you guys really think they're mine? Like on all seriousness are they?" I question

"yeah bro I think they're yours. When the little girl asked where is her daddy was " Alpha said but once he said the word daddy I questioned what she told the kids.

Did she tell him I didn't want them? Did she tell him I was in jail? Did you told him I was a kingpin? Did she tell them that we were a one night stand?

"She told him that 'you were on a secret mission, and that you love them and will see them soon' She puts those kids above her and so much more.
She's not like these other moms that don't care about their kids. You could see in her eyes that these kids are her world" Gunna said which surprised me because he was never serious.

All the guys including me let out a deep sigh and rub ours faces, as we were pulling up in parking a lot I saw a lot of heads turn to look at us but as soon as we looked at them they turned away.

I saw a tinted window black Mercedes pull into the parking lot and was wondering who's car that was because I've never seen it around town. I'm nodded my head towards the car and all the boys looked.

I saw Gunna walk up to the car and for a second I thought he was crazy because I ain't know who was in that car but he did. I saw the driver door pop open and saw Jay hop out and hugged Gunna. I'm not gonna lie she looked really good in that crop top and the jeans cupped her body in a nice way, she got drip.

I saw her go to the back door of the car but before she opened it I looked to see if the boys were watching and they all were.

I turn back to see her getting a little girl out, she was small and beautiful.
Then I saw a little boy hop out of the car I only saw the back of his head and was immediately drawn to him. Maybe it was because the boys told me he look just like me or maybe because he was actually my son. That's weird to say I have a son, I have a daughter. I have the twins oh my god.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw they heading over to us, both kids had their heads holding Jay's hands.

"Hey everybody" she said
We all said hi back.
As soon as the little boy heard our voices he head shut up, he looked on defense mode ready to protect his mom and sister which I loved even if he wasn't my son.

"Holy Shit he looks just like you Dave" Rel said

"I think ya might be twins" Kd said

" No Madison is my twin ! I love her and she my twin and I'm hers" the little boy said then looked up at his mom

"Momma why does that man look like me" while tugging on her hand

"How about we go get ice cream and sit down then I'll tell you" she said then kissing the tops of their heads

We all got our ice cream and surprisingly both kids got cotton candy just like me.

In my head I said 'these are my kids'.

"Mommy can you feed me" the little girl said while doing puppy eyes and I almost gave in. "Me tooo pwease" the boy said to which she laughed and started feeding them.

"Guys why don't you both go get napkins" she said as the got up to get them "hold hands and if something happens yell okay" they nodded and left for the napkins

"How are we going to do this ? I know you want a DNA test so you could know that they really are yours. So are we just going to say that we are friends or what ?" She asked

"You could tell them that I'm there dad. I know I wanted a DNA test but looking at them I have a gut feeling that they are mine and I want to be in their lives" I said to which she just smiled once the twins are back I nodded to let her know that it was fine if she told them.

" Babies" she said
" yes momma" "yes mommy"
"Remember how you asked me where your daddy was and how I said he went on a secret special mission" while looking at me so I understood and both kids hummed
"Well your daddy is here " she said and both kids smiled
"Where momma I want to meet him" the boy said
The girl tugged on Jays shirt and tried to whisper but we all head her say "Mommy do you think he's going to like me ? Will I be his princess like I am yours" my heart melted at her words.

"Yes baby, and Mason he's right in front of you silly " she said while poking his stomach
He immediately looked up to me and walked slowly to me and did grabby hands for me to pick him up. I looked at Jay for permission and she nodded.

I picked him up and place him on my hip he said " Are you my daddy?"
"Yea buddy I am, I'm sorry I was away I had to go on the secret mission but i missed you a lot buddy ." Then I looked towards the little girl and said " I missed you too princess" and with that she ran and hugged my legs but I picked her up so both kids were on my hips.

I can stay like this forever I thought to myself, they are my weakness.

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