Telling The Kids

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*short chapter ! I wrote this chapter really fast because I haven't been updating - A.X*


"Well, the bullet missed his heart by 2 inches so he isn't dead. Um, currently we don't know his condition if he gets worse he will go in a coma. So side effects might be that he loses his memory and everyone around him" he finished

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. My baby is okay is all that I kept repeating in my head.

"Now miss let's go get you checked out" the doctor said

"No, I am staying with him until he wakes up" I said back

"come on Jayleena you know East would want you to get checked after everything you just been through" Ferris said

"But what if he wakes up and I am not there when he does?" I said back

"We will come get you if he wakes up I promise" KD said

I went with the doctor even though I knew that I was fine. After 30 of being checked all he said was that I need to eat more.

Jayleena's P.O.V

It's been about a week since Dave's surgery and he still hasn't woke up, I am getting worried that he might spill into a coma and never wake up again.

I have been at the hospital with him but I can't stay because my babies need me and I haven't told them the full story yet. I left the hospital and went to our house and found Alyssa there.

"Hey babes how are you holding up" Alyssa asked me

"I am doing good" I said as a put a fake smile on my face

"Now why are you lying to me? I know you are not okay honey" she said hugging me

I ended up hugging her back and then started to break down crying in her arms.

"W-why is h-he not u-up yet?" I asked

"I don't know my love but I know that he is going to fight hard for his kids and for you. You need to tell the kids Jay its not fair lying to them"

"I know I know I am going to tell them today"

We ended up talking for about an hour when we heard little footsteps coming down the stairs.

"MOMMY YOU'RE BACK ! MASON GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE MOMMYS HERE" Madison yelled for her brother making me laugh and Mason came running down the stairs

"MOMMA I MISSED YOU" they both gave me a hug and told me about their day with Al.

"I am going home Jayleena, tell them" Al said as she gave us all a hug and left.

"Madison Mason I have something important to tell you okay"

"Okay mommy"

"ok momma"

"About a week ago when I came home from theose bad mean daddy saved me"I started but Mad cut me off

"Yea cause he a superhero"

"Yes he is but daddy got hurt really really bad and has been in the hosptial for about a week now sleeping"

Once thing about my children is that they are just like me they have soft hearts. And cry when someone close to them is hurt.

"Is d-daddy g-g-going to be o-okay" Madison asked crying I hugged her

"I don't know baby but I do know that your daddy loves you both very very much. He would do anything and everything for the two of you" I said

"Mason are you okay baby" I questioned him. He looked to the ground and tried hiding the fsct that he was crying but I know him to well.

"I-I just w-want y-you and d-d-daddy home with m-me a-and Madison" He sobbed harder I pulled him into a hug and us 3 sat on the floor crying for about 5 minutes.

"Hey guys do you want to have pizza and watch daddy's favortie movie" I asked



We ordered pizza and put on 'Bad Boys' and watched it until it was over. Both Mad and Mas were asleep so I put them to bed.

I went to our room and showered and hopped into bed, I grabbed Dave's pillow and cuddled it.

It still smells like him.

I started silently crying until a big sob came out of my mouth. All I could do was hug the pillow harder.

I miss him so fucking much. What happens if he gets worse? What if he wakes up and doesn't remember me? Or the kids? Or the gang?

I looked to the celing and said "Please please be okay I need you Dave"

I finally told the kids that is a big relief off of my shoulder now I need to focus on everyon around me.

I just want to hold you baby and tell you ... I love you.

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