Rosé- You're mine (part 1)

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"Hey y/n. Wanna go grab something to eat?" You feel a hand caressing your shoulder and turn your  head around to the source of the voice to see Rosé standing behind you with a smile on her face.

You have been  working for YG Entertainment for 3 months now, as the new video editor for Blackpink. You felt like an outsider for a couple of days due to  language barrier. You are not Korean so talking to some of the staff was a problem. The CEO saw to this problem by adding you to the Blackpink team as most of the staff knew English, which helped you a lot as you slowly leaned to speak Korean.

You have become close to everyone in the team. The girls, the production team, makeup artists, the managers. It has been a blast, but for the last couple of weeks you feel your knees go weak whenever Rosé smiles at you, talks to you or even glances at your direction. Now that is a problem considering the fact that you have to talk to them all the time to get or give ideas about editing their videos.

"Oh. Hey, Rosie. I was just finishing up. You want a ride?" You ask, confused as to whether she was just asking for a ride or actually asking you to dinner.

"Oh no. I was asking whether you want to grab a bite with me." She says, hand still on your shoulder.

Your heart starts beating faster when you notice the little touch. You seem to notice every little thing about her nowdays.

Her touch and gaze makes you stutter out a tiny 'yes'.

"Okay. Grab your things. Will get changed real quick. 10 minutes?" She questions you with her left eyebrow a little bit quirked.

"Yeah. Sure. I will just wrap up while you get changed Rosie." You say as you start turning off the monitors.

She gives your shoulder a squeeze and walks out of the studio you were in. The other girls seem to have gone home. Rosie was the only member in the studio as she was recording her part of their new comeback.

"What do I do? How do I stop looking at her like she is a godsend angel. Damn she is beautiful." You talk to yourself. You know that it's no use falling for someone like her. She is a celebrity with a hectic schedule and you were literally no one. You weren't insecure or anything. You know that you were quite good looking, but that was not the issue. The issue was the difference in status and the fact that you both were girls.

You sigh and realize that she most probably has A-liners after her since the release of the album R. 'She is way out of your league y/n. Stop imagining a life with her and forget about her.' You think as you push the last of your stuff in your bag.

Rosie comes to the door just as you wear the straps of your bag. "You ready y/n?" She was  wearing a simple grey shirt with black shorts and brown boots and had her blonde hair in a messy bun.

"Yeah. Lets go." You say as you grab your car keys off your table.

"So, how was your day?" She asks you as you walk down the hall towards the exit. You open the door for her. She walks out and you follow her.

"It was nice I guess. A lot of work due to the comeback being just around the corner. The lunch was good. The manager got me jajangmyeon." She laughs at the expression on your face. Your eyes probably had starts in them just thinking about the noodles.

"You always get this look in your face while talking about food. Lisa says that its the same as mine when I see food", she says as you open the car locks and open her door for her to seat. You close her door and move to sit on your own seat and start the car.

"You don't really have to open the door for me you know." She looks at you for an answer.

"I know. I just like doing it. Can't help it I guess." You give her a smile and start the drive.

"Where do you wanna eat?" You ask but already turn towards the road leading to her favourite restaurant knowing her answer already.

"Ooh. Wanna have sweet pork at Masineun" She says while she turns on the radio.

"Its IU!" She turns up the volume a little and starts singing to it. You notice the way she looks out the window pretending to hold a mic as she sings perfectly along the song. Your heart swells and your unnoticed smile broadens.

You love moments like this with her. Rosie doesn't have a car and usually rides with the person that gets off work at the same time as her, which is you most of the time.

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