Rosé- Merry Christmas

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You look out the window, feeling the sadness creep up again. It's Christmas and here you are, alone again, just like the last Christmas and the one before that. It's not like you don't have friends or family. You just wanted to spend the Christmas with the love of your life, but she is in the US recording another single with here bandmates who are collabing with Ed Sheeran this time.

You sometimes wish that you would date a normal person but immediately throw that thought away whenever you imagine your life without Rosie.

Yes, you are dating the one and only Park Chaeyoung aka Rosé.

You know that people would die to be in your place and that you should consider yourself beyond lucky that a girl like Roseanne is dating your fugly ass. But you can't help but feel jealous of people in normal relationships where you can actually talk, touch and just be there with your loved one. You are lucky if you even get to see Chaeng for a week straight because that's how hectic her schedule is.

You have never shared your worries with your girlfriend 'cause you know that she would feel bad for making you feel left out. And you are also afraid that she might leave you if you pester her with you complains, but let's not talk about that cause you don't even think about her leaving you.

The past four years with her have both been a blessing and a curse. You rarely get a chance to talk to her or even see her. But the moment you do, it's the most exhilarating and beautiful moments of your life. You remember every moment you have shared with her, not that it's hard considering those moments are so rare that you can count them with your fingers.

But something about being all alone in Christmas is worse than being alone the rest of the year. It's a holiday you share with family and friends, and now you lack both. All your friends are with their families and your family is in a whole different continent.

Plus the pressure and deadlines from you work is not helping. All you want is to see your girlfriend's face and tell her how much you love her.

Sipping the hot chocolate from the cup gifted to you by Chaeng last Christmas you look at the Christmas decoration around your house. You look at all the gifts below you Christmas tree and let out a sigh knowing that they won't be opened until after new years when Rosie returns.

You walk to your bedroom and look at Hank sleeping soundly at your bed. Smiling at the cute dog you put your cup down on the side table and decide to take a nap, not like you have anything else to do.

Pulling Hank closer you pull the blanket up covering both you and him and close your eyes.

Rosé has never been more sad about not being home than today. It's Christmas and she knows that you are all alone back in Seoul. All she wants to do is cuddle with you, watch Christmas movies and eat all the unhealthy food she can get her hands on.

She feels disappointed in herself for leaving you for another Christmas, the third in a row. The only Christmas she has ever spent with you was the one in first year of dating. And it was the best Christmas for her.

Her heart was bleeding at the thought of not being able to be with you on such a special day.

"Okay, what's up? You look like a puppy who just got kicked. Why are you so sad?", Jennie asked the blonde girl, sitting next to her on the sofa of the recording studio.

Moving her head to the side, Rosé looked at Jennie giving her the saddest eyes Jennie has ever seen. "Unnie, she is alone on Christmas again. I am not there with her again. And this is the 3rd time in a row. I feel so bad. She drops everything whenever I am in town just to meet me, even if it's for a few minutes. And here I am abandoning her again."

Jennie was shocked to see tears slowly streaming down Rosé's cheeks. " Yah, maknae-ya! Don't cry. It's okay. You can make it up to Y/N when you return. Don't worry. I am sure she understands about you not being there with her right now. She understands how busy you are."

Jennie used her thumbs to rub the tears off of Rosé's chubby cheeks who returns it with a hiccup and more tears running down her face.

Jisoo looked at the two with a sad smile. Ed who was listening to the whole thing felt bad as well.

"Oh my god. My back is killing me guys. I think we should take a few days off. I need to go home and get some bed rest before I can continue. I will call Teddy and ask him to reschedule. How about we continue after the New Year?" Ed smiled and stood up from his chair.

Pressing a button he spoke to the mic, "Hey Lisa. We are gonna take a break. Come on out."

Lisa took off her headphones and walked out of the recording booth. "Did I mess up?" She gave everyone look of both confusion and worry.

"No. We all are going home as my back is hurting like hell, so I just postponed the recording. I will give a call to Teddy and talk to him about the rescheduling. Happy holidays guys." With that he walked out of the room, not before giving a sweet smile to Rosé, who looked at him with awe and respect.

"I guess we are going home then." Jisoo shrugged her shoulders and gave the others a broad smile, making the girls squeal.

Landing in Incheon, Roseanne practically ran to the car, eager to get to the person that made her feel like she was on the top of the world. Being away from Y/N for the whole month has made her mad. She couldn't take it anymore.

Y/N is the first person she has ever opened up to. She is the person she has ever loved and Roseanne was sure that she was also the last. She knew that the love she felt for Y/N came only once and she wanted everything in her power to do it right.

The broad smile never left her face when she got into the company car with her members, when the car stopped at the Seoul Tiffany store, nor when she brought the Christmas gift for Y/N.

The moment the car stopped in front of Y/N's apartment, after the members were dropped off, Rosie started to feel the nervousness and excitement crawl up her spine. She never told Y/N that she was coming home. To her.

Taking a deep breath, Roseanne put the spare key in Y/N's door.

You were sleeping soundly, when you woke up to the feeling of a kiss laid on your forehead. At first you were startled to feel the soft lips on your cheek, but the smell of your sweet Rosie made you smile before you even opened your eyes.

Now awake more than ever, you looked at Chaeyoung. Tears sprung to your eyes immediately. You couldn't control them as you hugged your girlfriend close, never wanting to let go.

"I thought you were coming after new years baby." You pulled Chaeyoung closer to you if that was even possible.

"Surprise, hon." Chaeyoung whispered and exhaled a happy sigh feeling Y/N's strong arms holding her. She was home. Y/N is her home.

Pulling away Chaeyoung looked at Y/N with serious eyes.

"What is it?" Y/N asked suddenly cautious about the way Rosé's mood changed.

"I got a gift for you and I hope that you like it. I thought about giving it you for a long time." With that being said, Roseanne got on her knees and pulled out the ring she got Y/N from Tifanny's.

"Will you, Y/N, do the honour of loving me forever by being my wife?" Rosé could feel her heart almost burst out with anxiety.

What if Y/N said no? What if she didn't love her enough? What if Rose's hectic schedule made Y/N tired? What if she realised that their relationship was not worth it?

Rosé watched as Y/N stared at the ring and was startled to see her burst out in laughter. "Why are you laughing? I am serious right now. I want us to get married." She was starting to get flustered when Y/N just continued laughing.

Looking at the anxious expression on Rosie's face, you stopped laughing and cupped her cheeks. Giving her a soft kiss on the lips you pulled away.

"I was about to ask you to marry me when you came back home after the New Years. And I am laughing because I brought the exact same ring for you baby." You couldn't help yourself and started giggling while Rosie's eyes widened.

Letting go of her soft cheeks, you got up from the bed. Running to the walk in closet, you quickly got what you need and walked back to the still kneeling Rosie.

Getting on your knees as well you asked the question you have been dying to ask her. "Roseanne Park. Park Chaeyoung. Rosé. My Rosie. Please make me the happiest girl ever by marrying me."

You watched as Rosie's eyes watered as she rapidly nodded her head. Jumping into your arms she whispered, "Yes. A million times yes. You have no idea how long I have waited for this moment."

Pulling away you look into her eyes and give her a kiss, not being able to stop yourself from imagining the rest of your life with Rosie.

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