Rosé- Distraction? (part 2)

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"Hey Rosé. Great work today."

Rosé looked away from her phone's screen and turned her head around to look at the girl who spoke to her standing near the doorway. It was one of the yg dancers.

"Thank you. You guys were great too." She smiled at the girl who waved bye and left for the day.

Rosé sighed and looked around her costume and makeup room. Feeling as lonely as ever.

She sat down in her chair and stared at herself in the mirror. "Smile Ro. You made it. You completed the shooting of you first solo mv. You ARE happy."

She forced herself to smile.

Turning on her phone she opened her messages. Going to the chats she shared with Y/N she started typing.

Hey baby. I did it. I finally made it hon. How are you? It has been 456 days since I last saw you hon. I miss you so much. Hankie misses you too. He always waits by the door for you. I am so sorry for everything I did. I didn't mean anything that I said baby. All i wanted was to protect you. I wish i could tell you. Be safe. I love you. Forever and ever my love. Goodnight.

Her finger hovered over the send button. But thinking about how your eyes lost their light when she broke up with you, made her stop. This was for your own good.

Sighing she pressed the back button and saved the message as a draft, like all 1023 messages she couldn't send you over the past year.

She felt a tear slip down her face. Rubbing it off she got up, changed her outfit and decided to go home for the day.

Closing the door to her house she took off her shoes and looked around the living room in all its emptiness. It represented how her heart felt without you.

Going to her room she called for Hank, took him to the kitchen and gave him some food while she ate her microwaved one.

It has been a long and hectic day. Since the moment she woke up at 4am, everything has been done as scheduled. Going to the studio, meeting with directors, shooting for the mv. She was dead tired.

Throwing away the trash, she picked up hank and went to the bedroom. Changing into comfy night closed she did her bathroom routine and laid down on the bed with a sigh.

Although tired, sleep didn't come. She felt lonely and depressed. She had so much but no one to share it with.

She regretted leaving behind her real future. The future with Y/N without fighting for it. She wished that she fought for you. She regretted listening to her head at that time. She regretted breaking you heart and watching your face crumple up with sadness.

All ahe wants is to go back in time and never do what she did. She wants to go back to he time when she was able to hug Y/N. Kiss her and tell her how much she loved her.

Thinking about your smile and the way you used to look at her with so much love, Rosé finally fell asleep.

You finally took a day off. It has been months since you actually took a day to yourself. The past year had been tough. The love of your life broke up with you. She called you a 'distraction'.

You still wonder if you were ever annoying or overbearing towards her. She ruined you. You loved her with all your heart and she just left. Leaving you to die slowly till you were no more.

You tried to distract youself after she was gone. You didn't wantto think about her, but that was downright impossible with all the posters and ads of blackpink all around korea.

First you started drinking. If it weren't for a close friend, you know that you would have dug yourself an early grave with liver cissorsis. Then came the hayred phase. You started hating everything about her. Whenever you saw an ad featuring her, yoj turned your tv off and got the hell out of the house.

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