chapter 10

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"Don't mess this up, or you know what is going to happen right? "Asked Ramirez. 

I nodded, though behind my white mask i was cursing and scowling at him. 


With that, i, along with his top three mafia men, followed him inside the grand hall. Looking around i realised i stood out like a sour thumb. 

I was the only one with a mask on and probably the only teenager here. I started feeling nervous, after all which 13 year girl will not in a room full of  leaders of different mafias all over the world. Thankfully, my mask hid it all. 

Ramirez went straight to Andresol, the leader of the Lanistaish mafia, who was talking to a man with blue eyes, and straight brown hair. 

The man reeked of authority and was towering over Andresol, in terms of height and power. By their conversation, it looked like the blue-eyed man was on the verge of killing Andresol. It was not unusual though. 

I mean, what did you expect when you decided to gather all the mafia leaders in one room? 

They would wear birthday hats and cut cake? Bloodshed was bound to happen. 

Their conversation was interrupted by another man, looking younger than 25, with hazel eyes and black hair, though the rest of his facial features was very similar to the blue eyed man. He dragged the blue eyed man away, probably related to him. 

When we made eye contact, i got the sense of familiarity. 

Confused, i shrugged it off. 

The rest of the day passed with me being mute throughout, and followed Ramirez everywhere. 

I later found out that the blue eyed man was the leader of the Vinalcian mafia, Andriano Vinalcia and the hazel eyed man was his eldest son, Leander Vinalcia. 

Or Leander Vianarco. 


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AN; short chapter, but a needed filler. Next chapter will be longer.

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