chapter 12 (Day 2)

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I woke up around 5 am like always, and after doing the daily routine, decided to go for a run around the mansion. I have always loved running. After painting, it was my stress reliever. Tying my hair in a high ponytail, I went out the backdoor and started running. Running away from all my fears, responsibilities, and this shitty life. I ran for more than an hour, before collapsing on the ground. I then decided to go to the gym, and workout. I hoped they had punching bags, or something for me to practice boxing on. They should, considering that they are mafia, and one of them is the best assassin in the world. I am yet to figure out who beat me though. My bets are on Alexandre, or Estian. No, definitely Alexandre, he is the more aggressive, and impulsive. I enter the room, and start with basic stretching. Obviously with my luck, Leander is already there, on the treadmill. I ignore him, and continue with the routine i had set for the morning. It seems like he also had the same idea, as he did not acknowledge me, and continued what he was doing. After about half an hour, i decided to move to the punching bags. Securing my fists, i started punching the bag, releasing all my anger and frustration. Left, right, left, right i moved like a robot. I stopped after i started feeling pain in my arms, and turned to find Leander studying me.  

He left without another word, not that i wanted to have a conversation with him, though he is undoubtedly the brother who has my most respect.

After taking a shower, i went downstairs in the kitchen, to find Alfonio and Alexandre already there, eating breakfast. I joined them, a maid bringing my food. I smiled at her in gratitude. What? I am indifferent to people, but that doesn't mean i don't have manners, especially if someone does something for me.  

Moments after i sat, Alexandre got up and left, leaving the rest of his food. Ouch, I am not that repulsive right?

Alfonio sighed, "Sorry about him, he is just...not a morning person."

I just shrugged, i don't care, i have been treated worse. 

"We were not always like this, cold and unwelcoming you know? After mom took you away, we were heartbroken. But dad had hope, he gave us hope. Until he was himself taken away. Thats when we became emotionless. With you back, we might have gotten a bit of that hope back, so thank you." He broke the silence. 

"Why did mother take me away?"

 "I don't know much since i was just 10 at that time. But from what dad told me, after you were born, dad spend most of his time with you. You wer-are his little princess. Mom started having an affair with a low ranked member of the mafia. He was a traitor, and manipulated mom into thinking that dad would hurt us, and that the mafia was not safe. Agreed, that this is definitely not the most secured place in the world-" I scoffed, and he smiled at that. "But it is the most guarded and protected place. Besides, the news of your birth had already spread, and people who wanted to harm you, would try, regardless of whether you were still a part of the mafia or not.  This was hence the best place for you. Dad also said that mom actually wanted to take all of us."

There was silence as i processed the newly received news

"What do you want to do now?" he asked.

"You will be staying here for the day? Like don't you have a medical clinic to run?"

Alfonio chuckled "I have taken a day off today, to stay with you and make sure you don't get bored." I raised an eyebrow. "Fiiiine, and to relax." I smiled at that

 There was a loud bang upstairs, followed by a shout and then sounds of two people running."Though it is pretty hard to do that  here."

Anthony came running down the stairs. 'Do not run inside-" Alfonio tried scolding him, but he simply ran past his and hid behind me. Imagine a 5'9, muscular boy crouching behind a 5'6, pretty thin girl. I said imagine because you would not be able to see him, he would be so well hidden that you will think he has become invisible. 

"Seriously?! Behind her? Come here you dick. I will castrate you for sure today.  You will finally be dead, and we can live peacefully." Shouted Estian.

Anthony just laughed and held me tighter.

"No cursing" warned Alfonio

Apparently, Alfonio was invisible because Estian went on shouting  "You asshole! Fucking idiot!" as he ran towards me, well towards the 5 year old baby behind me. Anthony shrieked and ran away, bumping into Leander on his way. And then there was silence. "Uh oh" muttered Alfonio behind me." If Ian wouldn't have killed him, Ander sure will."

And then, like the protective mama bear he is, he stepped between the two and told Anthony and Estian to go sit in the kitchen and eat their breakfast. Anthony looked so scared, he looked like he had pissed in his pants, and i couldn't hold in my laughter. 

On hearing my laughter, all heads snapped to me. They were very surprised, in fact Alfonio might even had tears in his eyes. I raised my eyebrow in question and Leander just shrugged before walking past me into the kitchen. 

"How about today we just stay at home and binge watch movies?" Alfonio suggested. The boys had college/school, while Leander had work, so it was just him and I in the house. There was only a week before summer break, so it was decided that i will start school after the break. I agreed, having nothing better to do. My mind was full of thoughts about meeting the cousins tonight. We will see how that goes. 


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