chapter 30

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Just like he had promised, Leander and i stayed awake all night, talking. This time, i also contributed in the conversation, because the fact that Leander already knew i was taken by Ramirez made me more comfortable. But, he had no idea about my second identity, and i wanted to keep it that way.

"And then, you carried that bowl over to the living room, where i was sitting with my back to you, and you poured that entire thing on my head, saying i needed a bath." Exasperated Leander. Guess what i figured out? He is the most dramatic person in the house. Its like it runs in their blood. 

'That means in your blood too.' Came Brittany's voice.


Right now, Leander was telling me the story of how when he had once forced me to take a bath since i was covered in mud from head to toe (blame Apollo), and i was so mad that i decided to take my revenge. I took some eggs in a bowl, added expired milk to it (yuck), some broccoli since i hated it (and still do) with a burning passion, and then poured the entire thing over his head, so that he also had to take a bath. I was a lovely kid. 

Leander had told me loads of stories, mainly from my time here before i was taken, and others about how annoying his other brothers are. He told me of when i ventured into Alexandre's room once, saw a huge can of red paint and decided to drag it out and tipped it over the stairs. The entire stairway was red for three days straight.

Or when Estian and i brought in wet mud from the ground outside, and covered Alfonio with it when he was sleeping. Then for garnishing, we emptied a bucket of worms on him, all the while he was deep in slumber.

Good times, i wish i remembered. 

Leander told me many other things that i used to do, like when i was just 3 moths old, whenever i heard Andi coming back from work, i would started moving my legs and hands, as a signal for him to come pick me up and play with me (AN; I used to do this actually, not with my father though. Whenever i used to hear my uncle's car in the driveway, i would flap my arms like a butterfly, so that he would come pick me up.)

I told him about Ethan and the Grastians, and all the good stuff in my life. I knew that he knew my life before coming here was far from normal, since i was associated with Ramirez. However, neither of us touched upon the topic, not wanting to spoil the time together.

"Leander?" I turned to him. "Who was my favourite brother?" I asked light heartedly. 

"It was me." He said, over enthusiastically. It was definitely not him then.

"Oh really? I do not think so. I can't recall, but i know for a fact that you wouldn't be my favourite. Probably Estian?" I taunted with a smirk. I heard him curse under his breath. Haha, got ya.

"No, it was me, you did not even talk to Estian that much." Protested Leander, very, very defensively. My smirk widened, and he sighed at that.

"But you said he would take me with him to piano lessons." I pointed out. 

"Fuck you Ian." He grumbled, before quickly changing the topic.

"Come on, its late, we gotta sleep." 

I laughed at his poor attempt to divert my attention, but did as i was told. I saw that it was already 1 pm. Time flies when you are having fun.

"Great, i will just get four hours of sleep." I muttered, turning off the light and getting under the covers where Leander lay. He seemed to have heard me because he responded, "Nope, you and i are sleeping in tomorrow." 

I laid down facing him, and stared at him strangely in the dark. "You know, most elders would tell you to sleep early and wake up early, you on the other hand, stayed awake with me till past midnight, and are now telling me to sleep in tomorrow, i mean today? Weird." I remarked.

"This is why i was and am your favourite brother princess. Now go to sleep." He ordered, wrapping his arms around me. 

"Leander?" i whispered in the dark after a couple of minutes. I heard him hmm in response. 

"I know you are planning to attack the Cironio mafia," I continued, and i felt him tense at the mention of the mafia. "But do not kill Ramirez. Only i will be the one to take the light away from his eyes. I need this, so please, do not take this opportunity away from me, okay? i have waited thirteen gad damn years for this." My voice cracked in the end. Dammit. 

Leander hugged me tighter. "I will not let anyone take away that fuckers breath. You will the be the one to do that, you will be able to take your revenge, i promise." He whispered softly, yet with the determination to keep his promise. "Now sleeeep." He drawled out the last word, sounding like a whining child. I grinned before hugging him, and letting the familiar darkness surround me yet again. This time however, i fell asleep feeling safe, safe like no one in this world can ever even touch me, not even my own demons. I felt the safest with my big brother, and that alone, brought a huge smile to my face.


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AN; Another chapter done! ENJOY!! 

Comment what you did/used to do when you were a child. The next chapter will have drama, but be patient, kay?

And stay safe people!

Author out <3 <3 <3

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