chapter 23

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The journey was silent, only the sound of music from the radio filling the car. Leander parked in front of a small, a bit deserted ice cream shop. "Come on." He climbed out of the car, and jogged to the shop. 'Here goes nothing.' I followed him inside. "Which flavour do you want?" He asked.

"Cookies and cream..?" I replied, unsure.

"A cookies and cream, and a vanilla please." He asked the cashier. I snorted. Vanilla. Of course, what else did i expect. He raised his eyebrow at me, and the carried both of our ice creams to a table in the farthest corner. He placed mine in front of his, and took a seat. I followed his suit. I waisted no time in digging into my ice cream, while he just observed me. 

"It is going to melt." I pointed.

"I like it a little melted only." He shrugged. I just stared at him in shock.

"It is going to melt." He imitated me, with a smirk. I scoffed, and continued eating this sweet, heaven-like cold delicacy. "What do you want to know." He asked. 

Umm, as far as i remember, he asked me to join him for ice cream.

"Absolutely nothing." I reply, looking up from my ice cream.

"Really? You just found out about us, about our mafia, and you have no question?" He taunted. 

I knew what he was doing, challenging me, so that i eventually talk to him. 

I never back down from a challenge.


"I know more about the mafia than you think i do." I replied, hoping he would stop asking further. Did that happen? DOES ANYTHING HAPPEN ACCORDING TO MY WISHES?

Nooooo. Dammit. 

"And how much do you know?" He asked, resting his elbows on the table.

"Just a little here and there." I waved my hand, as if it was nothing. 

I know the password to most of theirs warehouses. Ooops.

"Now how about the truth?" He asked in a monotone, raising his eyebrow. Gimme a break people.

"If i tell you that i know the password to three warehouses, then what?"

He chocked on the air. "How?" The question lingered in the air, the space becoming tense and awkward. I sighed, not wanting to answer the question. To make things less, or more, awkward, I said something i never thought i would.

"Wanna play 20 questions?" I asked, hoping he would agree and change the topic. He narrowed his eye, but nodded. 

"You start." It is funny how i more nervous of the question he is going to ask, than the missions i had to do. Deep breathes Taylor.

"Favourite colour?" He just wasted the deep breathes i took -_-

"Blue" I replied after thinking for sometime. What? i didn't have time to think of these stupid questions before, i had missions to complete, people to kill.

"Yours?" i asked as my question. Full points for creativity. Yay.

"Purple, i think. Well, it used to be when i was young, after that, i never really thought of these small things." He replied with a small smile. My hands were itching to pinch him, and yell 'same pinch', but i figured that it would spoil the cold, badass bitch reputation that i had created in the house.  Next time.

"Favourite food?" He asked. 

"PIZAAAA!" I shouted, like a child, before realising what i did, and going red from embarrassment. Yeah i know i just said about the reputation and all, but we are talking about pizza here for God's sake. The love of my life. My everything.

Leander laughed, like a full blown laughter, throwing his head back and all. It suited him.

"Yours?" I asked, stupidly. At least i am trying here, you have to give me the credit for that.

"I love lasagna." He exclaimed. 

"Hobbies?" He asked, eager to get more answers from me, that were not of one word. This is going no where.

"I love painting, and can play the piano as well" i sighed, finally opening up to him. He smiled, and leaned forward in interest. Here goes nothing, again. "I had found some old music sheets, a broken piano and started playing. I did not learn the basics, or how to play it, i just, i just knew how to. I always have. I have a feeling it has something to do with the two years that i was with you all, and maybe that is why, whenever i played it, which was maybe twice a year, i felt closer to safety, and maybe even love. I don't know." I groaned at the end. This is enough information for one day, maybe even an year.  Leander just sat there grinning. Creepy.

"Can we go back now?" i asked, going to throw away by finished cup.

"Yeah, let's go." He smiled, and collected his car key, before opening the door for me, and following me to the car.

"You are right by the way." He said, not taking his eyes from the road, but i knew he felt my questioning gaze. "Estian was the one who taught you how to play the piano, when you were just two, and he was six. He loved playing, and our grandma used to teach him everyday. He used to bring you to the lessons, and would practice with you each night. You, of course did not understand much, but from what you just told me, i think you do remember a little of what he taught." He explained with a smile.

The rest of the car ride was loud with silence, filled with conversations of unspoken words.


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AN; Enjoy!! And comment what you think of the relations between these two!

<3 <3 <3

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