chapter 43

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I woke up to Alfonio examining my shoulder, his brows furrowed in concentration.

"Oh you are awake." He exclaimed, rushing to get me water, and sitting down beside me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He question, smiling comfortingly.

"A little more refreshed after that sleep." I yawned, rubbing my eyes. 

"Good good." He nodded to himself, before clutching my hand.

"First of all, i would like to explain myself. Look, when you first came here, umm i- frankly, i could not trust you. At all. Neither could Alexandre. Somehow, Leander blindly believed in you from the start, and Estian was just desperate to get you back. Anthony is an easy going person, so his main aim was to make you feel comfortable. But i could never manage to figure you out, you were too confusing. You were very mysterious, and that was an immediate red flag to me. I could not risk my family's safety. But now i know that you are no danger to us, and i want mend our relations, so.." He ranted. I chuckled softly.

"I get it okay. I would have done the same. In fact, i have also gone lengths to keep the people i care about, safe. So don't worry, it's okay." I reassured him.

"Oh thank the lord." He sighed, slightly looking up, and then connecting our eyes again.

"Okay well, tell me, what do you think about us? Tell me Ms. Vianarco, what have you gathered in this one week, huh?" He started the conversation. Weird question to start off with, but *shrugs*

"Leander, i respect him a lot. Always have, even before i knew who he was to me. He managed to gain the support of most of Ramirez's allies, he managed the mafia so well after Andi. Estian, he is  great, i guess. At first i thought him to be like Alexandre, but he is not. He has also helped me a lot before i even knew of his existence. Anthony is just Anthony. I do not know his to have an opinion about him. And Alexandre." I sighed "Alexandre is..." I drifted. I seriously have no words for him.

"Broody? Stubborn? Closed off? Thick headed?" He playfully suggested.

"Well yeah, all of those." I smiled, "But also the most interesting one from you all. And i have seen him fight, so i ado admire his skills, yeah. Anthony is just...Anthony."

I really didn't understand him. One moment he is dramatic and making jokes, the other, he is shooing me away while consoling Charlotte. And i of course wouldn't have minded it, since it was a private moment between the family, but he was a tad bit rude. 

"The triplets are amazing, and Charlotte..." i internally cussed her out, but on the outside, a gave Alfonio a nod. He seemed to understand. Thank god, i can't not curse at her, even if its just a mere thought.

"Well, considering the fact that you just woke up, you wouldn't like resting, will you?" He asked with a mischievous grin.

"I will run away if i don't have anything to do. "If you don't know, i cannot sit in one place for long." I nodded.

"How well are you good at uno?" He smirked, "Cause you will be taking on the master." 

"Oh bring it on." I smirked back. I have never lost a game in my life, darling.


"Uno" i shouted, grinning, as i placed a 'one blue' card on the pile, eliciting a groan from the doctor in front of me. I told you i was the champion in this. 

Alfonio took a card from the pile, glancing down at it and grinning evilly.

"Take that, sister." He teased, slamming down a 'plus 2' card. I mentally thought of ways to kill him as i reluctantly took two cards. 

What if he somehow ends up in the middle of the road at night, still sleeping, and a bulldozer magically runs over him, thrice? That would be such a shame, right?

In my anger, i had forgotten to see what my cards even were. When i looked at my hand, i almost did a Fouetté turn in happiness. Guess your girl is going to win after all.

I delicately took the card, and gracefully put it on top of the pile, innocence shimmering on my face.

"Oops, what is that? Have a look brother, i think i saw a 'plus 4' card." I put my hand on top of my mouth, pretending to be shocked. And then i gasped. "Oh would look at that? It is a 'plus 4' card." I lowered the hand to my chest, still looking at him with fake surprise.

"Pick up, pick up." I teased him, as he groaned and grumbled about me being a psycho and how much he hates me. Unfortunately for him, i do not give a fuck about his feelings, this game is way more important. 

He placed a blue card, and i placed another blue on top, quickly shouting 'Uno' at the top of my lungs. He smirked, placing a wildcard, and calling out a red. Oh so he thinks he has won, huh? I will show you what an assassin is really capable of. 

"Oh no, what am i going to do now?" I cried out in despair, looking between the card int he hand, the pile, and Alfonio, who was smirking in victory. I am going to enjoy wiping it off.

"Oh i know." I dropped my act, placing the wildcard in my hand on the top of his wildcard. And that people, is how you win the fucking game. I really wish i had sunglasses right now so i could put them on like a badass bitch, but we gotta work with what we have.

"Ho-how? How did this happen?" It was now his turn to cry out in utter desperation. He even fell off the bed, before sitting on his knees and holding the cards like they were the last remenants of a person he loved.

"You are still uneducated, and need skills, my child. Come back after you after you have completed you schooling, you poor peasant. No one can defeat the master." I held my head high up.

"I will take you down, i promise. I will get my revenge." He announced darkly, probably the angriest i have ever seen him, his eyes darker than normal, fists curled and eyebrows furrowed. 

In other words, he looked like an angry puppy.

"Umm- is someone going to explain the fuck is going on here?" Came Alvaro's voice, as he scooped some Cheetos in his mouth. I want Cheetos too.


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AN; Short chapter, i know. But i neeeded an interaction between Tay and Alf. So ENJOY!! 

And who is better, Anthony, or Alfonio?? Why?? --->

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