Chapter 26

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Absolutely no words for how sorry I am for the long wait. I hope you so enjoy! I also want to thank each and every one of you that has written such nice comments and messages to me, they were very encouraging and street reading them I knew I had to update, so I do appreciate all of you wonderful readers, especially those who support my work through voting and commenting and especially following me.  You guys are the best!

Chapter 26

“Each day holds a surprise. But only is we expect it can we see, hear, or feel it when it comes to us. Let’s not be afraid to receive each day’s surprise, whether it comes to us as sorrow or joy. It will open a new place in our hearts, a place where we can welcome new friends and celebration more fully our shared humanity.”

- Henri Nouwen

October 12th 1856


Nearly two days after her intense illness, Rhea immediately felt as if she were getting better. Her complexion had slowly gained back its radiance and she once again looked normal and healthy. In fact, she felt better than before she was sick, she reveled in this newfound energy.

Hadrian had finally stopped his worrying and was no longer being a tyrant to everyone in their household. He had spent as much time as he could with her and she couldn’t have felt better. The sickness had been emotionally and physically exhausting, but after the worst had passed, she settled back into her daily routine.

Much to Hadrian’s delight, she had finally risen from bed and was now taking control of her wifely duties, organizing the household from its past disarray.

Rhea was currently listening to the cook as she described that evening’s meal, as Rhea’s father and mother, Leia and her kin, along with Beth, and Lord Dalting were invited for supper. Rhea was excited with the rush of activity, happy to see her friends after a long awaited time.

“We’ got quite the party this eve, yur ladyship. Glad that I am for it, ‘tis nice of a change.” Mrs. Wilson stated happily.

“I agree, I am happy now that all of this dreaded states have passed.” Rhea nodded. She listened on as Mrs. Wilson continued with tonights.

“We got fresh venison from the market, we did, and crisp bread. Another batch of those cakes from the bakery, too.” The cook nodded, satisfactorily.

“Good, that all sounds wonderful, Mrs. Wilson. I am sure we are all looking forward to this meal.” Rhea praised. After commenting a little more, she wandered off to instruct the house staff in preparing the drawing rooms and Hadrian’s study for the men and women afterwards.

Once she had done all that she possibly could and the time of the evening meal grew nearer, she wandered above stairs with Lily’s ushering and started her bath. As she was soaking in the warm tub, a door opened.

“It’s quite alright, Lily, I’ve got it from here.” She called out, wanting some time to herself.

“I do not think so,” a deeper voice commented. Rhea’s eyes popped open in delighted surprise.

“Hadrian,” she whispered. She had not seen him all day, not even a glance. He had told her he would be quite busy as important matters came up, those of she did not know. She was still surprised though, because of how different it had been with him not present with her all day.

She had missed him.

“Rhea,” he smiled softly, his gaze dipped down to the water that most of her body was emerged in. “I am astonished to see you in such a predicament where you need my help the most.”

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