Chapter 19

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Hey there guys... sorry about the late update! I had a Doctor's appointment today and it was interesting! I finally have a doctor that won't just look at me, listen to what I have to say and give me medication or have them tell me I'm crazy! I'm so excited to get started with him and fix me up - I have A LOT of things to fix me up but he says it can be done. Which doctor spends TWO FREAKING HOURS demonstrating that he can do what seems the impossible? No doctor that I've had in the past has ever spent that long with me that I felt was going to be productive. I'm so excited; The idea that there is a possibility that I can become a TEENAGER again is beyond all my hopes!!

Anywho, enough of my mindless rant, go and read the chapter and tell me what you think, eh?

Anna <3


Chapter 19

"There are two kinds of fears: rational and irrational - or in simpler terms, fears that make sense and fears that don't."

- Lemony Snicket


Rhea woke up with a modest ache upon her head and cringed at the way it pained her greatly. She looked towards the window and was shocked to find it nearly midday. Hadrian had already left their bed and gone elsewhere; at the thought of Hadrian came barraging thoughts of last night and Rhea blushed lightly at the sweet words he had whispered to her in the nighttime.

It had been nearly a fortnight since the picnic Hadrian and Rhea had arranged. She had never felt more gratis in her life than that day she did with her friends and Hadrian. She had witnessed a side of Hadrian that she had never the opportunity to view before; it gave her hope that she could possibly open his heart to have greater affection for her.

She carefully moved towards the bell-pull to ring for Lily. A few moments later, Lily entered and approached her Lady.

"Are you of needing assistance, my lady?" Lily asked.

"Oh, yes. I fear I feel a dreadful ache upon my head approaching, would you mind telling Mrs. Wilson to produce that herbal tea of hers?"

"Of course, my lady, right away." Lily made her way to the door but Rhea stopped her.

"By the by, do you happen to know wher Lord Vale is?" Rhea inquired. She had been meaning to have an outing with Annabel and had just assembled a day with her before.

"Yes, ma'am, he is downstairs in his study. Would you like me to beckon him here?"

"No, no. 'Tis alright, just the tea would be nice. I'll be wearing that soft violet dress that I purchased." Rhea smiled.

"Right away," Lily left and made her way down to the Cook to assemble Lady Vale's tea.

Meanwhile, Rhea lay back against the comfort of her bed and willed the dull ache to be away with. She did not wish to spend the day with Annabel in such a weak state. Not a moment later, Lily returned with the herbal tea clutched in her hand.

"Here you go, my lady, well in a jiffy, you'll be." Lily promised with a slanted grin. Rhea nodded her thanks and sipped at the hot tea. It was precisely what she needed in her state of being.

When Lily finished clothing Rhea, Rhea made her way down the staircase to find her husband. She let out a relieved sigh when she finally felt the pain leave her. She wandered over to Hadrian's study and found him hovering over a missive.

He looked up and caught her at the entrance and broke into a soft smile. He stood from his chair and strolled towards her. He took her into his arms as soon as he could attain her. She tilted her head up for his impending kiss. He did not disappoint her; he took her mouth with his and gave her a brief yet passionate kiss.

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