Chapter 30

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My internet is being fresh and I almost forgot it was Friday ... oops. Enjoy!


Chapter 30

“The Truth is, we all get lost as we try to find our way. Perhaps the key is to stop, take a look around and enjoy the scenery as we go.”
― JaTawny Muckelvene Chatmon, Getting Lost


Rhea turned to face the owner of the hand that was clasped around her wrist and was surprised to see a familiar face. She broke out in a happy smile.

“My lord Ashwin,” she greeted, glancing at Leia with mutual surprise, “How surprising to see you! I admit to not expecting a familiar face out in the crowds, much less for anyone to spot me among them.”

Drew Ashwin grinned at both ladies in amusement. “I couldn’t imagine anyone not being able to spot my lady Rhea easily in a crowd. You are indeed a beauty stuck out like a sore spot among the traffic of the streets.”

Rhea waved a hand at him, flushing prettily, “My lord, you flatter me, but I must deny your statements. Indeed, it was most likely Leia you spotted.”

Leia’s eyes widened, “Oh, but of course. ‘Tis the only reason I can think of for anyone noticing the two of us. I am told I am quite the beauty.”

Rhea hid her chuckle behind a dainty cough in her hand. Lord Ashwin seemed torn between wanting to be a gentlemen and his true feelings for the married lady, but finally settled on politely smiling at Leia and inclining his head towards her.

“I must ask, my lord,” Leia began, “what brings you down these streets? Truthfully, Rhea and I ourselves stumbled upon this small festival of sorts.”

“Ah, yes,” Ashwin nodded. “I admit, I am here on behalf of my mother, as you know she has a keen ear for occasions such as these. In fact, I believe her and my father are caught up in that exotic cloth shop.”

“How coincidental, my lord,” Rhea commented.

“Indeed, I am happy to see you my lady. I have not seen you for quite some time, other than glimpsing you and your husband at the ball a fortnight or so ago.

Rhea nodded sadly, “I’m afraid I am quite guilty in those matters. I had fallen quite ill a few weeks back, and then my lord husband had business to attend to out in the country.”

“A shame, I say,” Ashwin murmured. They continued to walk away from the carts, further downtown in London. Rhea, Leia, and Ashwin had gotten caught up in conversing and catching up that they had gotten quite far from the festival and became lost.

“Drag it!” Ashwin called out, as the trio tried in vain to find a way back to where they had started, but it seemed impossible as all of the old, looming buildings seemed the same to them. Even if they continued to wander, they would most likely circle back to the same place again.

Ashwin turned to the ladies and frowned, “Forgive me, my ladies, I seem to have lost track of not only our path, but the time of day, too, I’m afraid.”

Both Rhea and Leia glanced up to the sky and realized Ashwin was quite right. The time had gotten away from them and it was nearing the evening sun. Rhea bit and worried her bottom lip.

“What should we do, my lord?” Rhea asked. Ashwin looked at the two ladies and then at his surroundings.

“Perhaps we should seek out a conveyance or a shop of some sort? We could ask for directions back to the festival before it becomes too late.

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