Chapter 14 (Pic of Carolotta)

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Hello my loves! I'm very sorry for the long wait! July was a very hectic month for me and half the time I was sick, so please excuse my failure of not updating D: I know I cannot make up for it! I tried making this one longer . . . guys, I really don't think this is my best chapter, honestly. I mean, it's 2am and I'm wavering between headache's and a compulsion to do something - have you had any of those moments? - and I decided to just update!

Hopefully this chapter is ok and I'll be working on Chapter 15 and trying my best to make it better. Really guys - I'm not happy with this chapter but it's an update and, well . . . tell me what you think!



Chapter 14

"Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time."

- Marthe Troly-Curtin, Phrynette Married


Rhea gazed at the woman who was currently seated to the left of her husband at the head of the table. She couldn't help but feel a frustration bubble forth inside of her at the absurd action that this lady had taken - in her home, no less!

Hadrian didn't seem to mind the intrusion, which, honestly, baffled Rhea. Rhea continued to look on as the woman and her husband acted on as old friends; intimate old friends.

She had not dealt with a situation as such and couldn't help but worry what was going on between the two.

When she had carelessly interrupted her and Hadrian's moment, Hadrian had admittedly been irritated, but then seeing who the intruder was his entire demeanor changed. He introduced the incomer as Lady Carolotta Adair, the Viscountess of Alridge, or otherwise known as Lottie.

"My lord, when I heard the news of your matrimony and then your arrival in the country I knew I had to congratulate you as I was unable to attend your wedding." Lady Adair smiled.

"That is very kind of you, Lottie. My wife and I gladly accept your praises." Hadrian nodded. Rhea clenched her fists and tried to reign in this new form of feelings inside her.

It was consuming and powerful. She couldn't understand what was going on with her but she felt the urge to wring the woman's neck and kick her out of her home.

Good grief, she felt faint.

"I do hope you travel was well, the weather should have been pleasant." 'Lottie' batted her lashes.

Hadrian, who didn't seem to notice the vile gesture, smiled. "Yes, we had a good journey. Admittedly, we are still very fatigued, but we do not mind atall your arrival, do we, my love?" Hadrian now looked to her and Rhea's eyes widened.

How could she lie about her feelings? Surely Hadrian could see it through her eyes?

"Of course, my lord, it is a pleasure to meet your friend." Rhea sincerely hoped that Hadrian realized the emphasis on 'friend'.

"Oh, silly me. I'm forgetting my manners. You both have just arrived; it seems foolish now for my haste to meet you."

"Nonsense. We appreciate the welcome, my lady." Hadrian's grin was as charming as Lottie's reactions to her newfound, or maybe old, attention.

After they finished lunch, Hadrian went to escort Lady Adair back to her carriage for her ride home. Rhea sent a silent prayer of thanks, not knowing if she could stand these suffocating feelings any longer.

She soon started to wonder of the relationship of Hadrian and Lady Adair. How had they met? Did she know him long?

Rhea sighed lightly. She was not happy about the circumstances she had just been thrown in. She needed a ride with Almond. That would help her mood.

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