Chapter 28

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Hello my fellow readers and writers, I just wanted to make a quick announcement about The Duke's Wife. Previously I've been mentioning that the present year was 1854, but it is actually 1856. I've already gone back and changed it, so no need to worry. Continue reading now! Hope you enjoy it!



Chapter 28

"All deception in the course of life is indeed nothing else but a lie reduced to practice, and falsehood passing from word into things."

- Robert Southey

November 13, 1856


"Bloody hell!" Hadrian growled viciously, slamming his fist against the table of John Courtland's study. The Bow Street Runner gazed wearily at the Duke of Vale. "How could this have happened?"

"We had 'im right there, sire." Courtland muttered. "The bastard just slipped through our fingers, went back to the hell he came from, he did."

"Dammit," Dalton said, rubbing the back of his head, contemplating the situation they were in.

Hadrian couldn't believe how close they were to find Beckham - Lord Utterdige - in the warehouse in Windsor. They had been right on his trail. Hadrian had wanted to be sure that this was the man they had been looking for, so he'd sent the Bow Street Runner to investigate the situation. After Courtland gave him a familiar description of the man, Hadrian departed for Windsor, accompanied with Lord Dalton.

As they arrived, they went to the scene of where Beckham was found. It had been obvious someone had been there, dwelling in the premises; scraps of clothing thrown here and there, food resting on an old and broken barrel, old and rotting pits of wood identified a recently used fire pit. Yes, Beckham had been frequenting the area of the warehouse, using it as refuge.

Hadrian would've never guessed the man to be so close to where he himself dwelled. So close to Rhea . . . the thought burned through his skin in a fit of rage.

Now, the bastard could be anywhere.

They had planned on laying a trap for Beckham the night before. Everything had been planned and the guardsmen had been ready and waiting for him to appear. All night they waited for the man, but he'd gone off and disappeared. As if he'd never been there.

Hadrian became troubled, wondering how this could have happened. How the hell were they supposed to find the man now?

"We must keep looking," Hadrian announced. Dalton nodded curtly.

"Aye, the man could be anywhere, but he couldn't have time to leave the country." Dalton agreed.

"I'll find the son of a bitch; count my words." Hadrian said darkly.


"How are ye, mum?" Lilly inquired, pouring her mistress a cup of tea and delivering a plate of scones in the parlor room.

"Just fine, Lilly, thank you," Rhea smiled. Gazing at the scones before her, she eagerly bit into one and reveled in the taste of apple and cinnamon. The cook had been spoiling her terribly after it had been revealed of her pregnant state. Rhea daily partook of cranberry tarts, sweet smelling cakes, and soft croissants with a buttery softness. Rhea moaned just thinking about all the treats she'd been devouring the past fortnight.

According to Doctor Humphrey, Rhea was already three months along now. Rhea was amazed at how fast the months were now coursing by. Nearly three months ago she'd almost perished when she'd been pushed in front of the carriage. After, when she'd been deemed fit to move about, Hadrian had expressed his devotion to her many times. They'd made love several times during the day, her husband had hardly been able to bear it when she'd part with him to use the privy, but Rhea was determined to draw the line of their relationship at that point.

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