Numero Tres

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2nd pov

"say 'aahh~' y/n-chin!!!" 


you made choking noises as mikey gave u a close eyed smile. "see? isnt the sushi yummy?" mikey cooed as you quickly snatched the juice infront of you and drinking it only to spit it out infront of the males.


neither of them answered as they only laughed at you. you were very close to sobbing and hanging your neck with a rope as they were making you suffer. "IM LEAVING!" You sobbed, tears trickling down your cheek which alarmed them.

"h-hey wait-" mitsuya grabbed your wrist only you to slap his hand away. "NO! GO TO HELL!" you screamed as you grabbed your bag. "awee, wait y/n we didnt mean to make u cry.." nahoya stated.

"dont leavvee.." kazutora gloomily said. as you sniffled, before turning away and leaving. as you walked down the stairs, you felt no eyes behind you anymore so thats the time you grinned evilly, wiping your tears.

"dumbasses." you quietly snickered, covering your mouth as you happily skipped back home. since you were a great actress, you decided to use your advantage to leave, who would have thought they would fall for that trick.

"IM HOMEEEEEE~~~~" you sang out loud, seeing kaoru on the couch, eating chips. "how was the cele-what happened to you? did they beat you up?!?!" kaoru ran towards you in full speed. "why are you crying? why do u look like trash rn? BABES I MAY NOT CARE BOUT YOU, BUT I CARE FOR YOU!" kaoru yelled in your face, shaking you back and forth.

"wha- you make no sense! and no! they did not beat me up. 1 just tried running away, but failed, and then i use my acting skills to cry and leave like a bad bitch <33 they fucking fell for it!" you happily told her as kaoru stood there.



"did they try to apologize?" kaoru asked. "yes." you answered.



you both let out unhuman kind of laughs that could make the neighbors think there were demons living in your house. "I'D PAY TO SEE THEM LOOK SO DUMB FALLING FOR YOUR STUPID ASS SELF!" kaoru wheezed, holding onto her stomach as you both move around, trying to calm down from laughing.

finally calming down, kaoru wiped her tears and sighed. "haahh, stomach. then waht do you plan to do when you go to school? surely theyre going to wait for you at the gates." kaoru stated as you froze.

"ah crap your right." you cussed, thinking. "I'll shove my foot down their throa-"

"y/n no--"

walking with kaoru to school, you stayed very close to kaoru as you neared the school. "look up ahead gay bitch, 11 prince charmings up ahead." kaoru chuckled, as you look up the see them waiting at the gates.

"lets blend in with the other students." you mumbled, pulling kaoru to a group of students, you were about to cheer in your mind when someone held the back of your collar. "hold it." souta pulled you back as you gave kaoru a hard stare, asking for help who smirked, walking ahead as if she did not leave you.

"the fuck you want?" you crossed your arms. "dont be like that, we just wanted to say sorry." chifuyu was first to speak up. "not like we intend to kill you, that was just a bit of joking around." baji placed his arm around your shoulder.

ᴬʳˢᵒⁿ ---𝘵𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘈𝘜Where stories live. Discover now