【 26 】

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*Damian's Pov*

I somehow gave in.

It was Saturday morning and Jon decided to visit the manor. He wanted to hang out like he did every weekend. Why does he like to hang out with me? That I don't know nor I understand.

He managed to convince me (more like annoyed me) into finding a way for him to meet that blondie.

I had texted Marinette to see if she and that blondie could hang out. That was two hours ago and she finally replied. I told Jon that he got lucky and the blondie will be hanging out with us. He was happy until I told him it was within the hour and he started to freak out because he didn't expect it so soon.

We were in the car and Pennyworth was driving to the hotel to pick them up. On the drive I realized something.

"You said that if I got you to hang out with that Agreste kid you would tell me what got you so dramatic at the restaurant yesterday," I told Jon.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I did but I specifically said that because you called him 'blondie' you didn't get the deal anymore," he said, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Really? Should I just call Marinette and tell her I have other plans because of my father and never give you the chance to meet that blondie," I said.

"Fine then. But only because I don't want to meet him the day he is touring my dad's workplace," he said.

I waited for him to tell me.

"I'll also give you a bonus because I'm nice. When I listened in the beginning, I only heard a bit because I was talking to you afterward but I heard 'you don't think Damian knows about me?' That's what the girl was telling the other blond girl."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know? Thought you would do some detective work since YOU VISITED HER AS ROBIN!"

I started coughing.

"What are you talking about? I never visited her. You think I would go against my father's orders in not visiting people that could potentially hurt them because of who we are?"

"Yes, yes you would, Damian. And she's already being suspicious because from what I heard from her sentence is that she thinks it's 'weird' because of something you probably led her to think of why you visited her is weird," he said.

"How is she suspicious? I didn't give her any reasons for her to think that. What were her exact words?" I asked him.

"'I think it's weird because Robin visited me last night' those were her words," he said.

"What else did you get out of the conversation?"

"That's actually all heard because I started to freak out at the restaurant," he said.

I sighed.

"Jon, you're really bad at listening to other people's conversations."

I'm thinking something has happened in which she thinks it's weird because I visited her and there is something she must be hiding if she asked her friend if she thinks I know. Which means it must have happened after I last saw her. And there was a time period in which she last saw Damian and then saw Robin, plus she did start acting weird since she met Drake. Drake also said I have an interesting taste in women but when he said it, at first I thought it was him trying to joke around but now thinking...Drake might know something. Drake also said something in which he caught her doing something that he couldn't say what happened. He said if it happened to him, it would stress him out. But the only thing that would stress him out would be running out of coffee but why would he be embarrassed about running out of coffee.

"Oh, I actually remember something. I listened to a tiny bit before I heard her say but only a few words. It was Adrien saying, 'I have cat ears' and that 'it came with the job'. He may have been referring to when he did that music video. I remember he was supposed to be playing a superhero called Cat Noir but they changed it and made it with his classmates a choreographed dance instead,"

Cat Noir? Changed at the last minute?

"Did you really just make me work my brain when you could just told me what you knew? You actually made me believe you were a terrible eavesdropper!"

He smiled happily.

"You deserved it for calling Adrien Agreste 'blondie'! So you really figured it out?!"

I sighed.

"Yes, I did. Why'd you tell me?"

"Because she was worried that when your brother saw her as Ladybug she thought he told someone and that someone would be either you or that Bat-family. She already thinks there's some kind of connection between the Waynes and Bats. Plus it seems like she likes both Damian Wayne and Robin," he said.

Both of me as in Damian Wayne and Robin? Wait. Drake knew even when we saw her and her team yesterday and actually didn't say a word about it?

Jon started laughing like something was funny.

"What happened now?"

"Nothing, it's just at the restaurant the female blond had said that no one could hear them but I did, for their whole conversation," he said, still laughing.

I just stared at him.

"You know I heard Chat Noir mention he was a fan of Superman," I said.

"When?" Jon asked, completely stopped laughing,

"I was with them last night,"

The car came into the driveway of the hotel and I saw Marinette had walked out with Agreste.

So those two are Paris's heroes?

*Marinette's Pov*

"Hi, so you're Damian's friend from the restaurant? I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng and this is Adrien Agreste," I said, smiling in his direction.

Adrien and I had just entered the car. I introduced myself after I had said hello to Damian.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Jon Kent," he said, smiling back.

"So Damian, where are we going?" I asked.

"Metropolis. Jon said the carnival is in town and has been begging to go with someone," he said.

Jon hit his arm.

"At least I seem to be going with people who aren't grumpy like you are Damian," Jon said, sticking his tongue out at him.

"A carnival?" Adrien asked, you could see the excitement in his eyes.

In Paris, his dad never let him go with us each time the carnival showed up and now he finally has the chance to experience this.

"Yeah, have you ever been?" Jon asked.

Adrien shook his head to say no.

"My father never let me go to those. He said it would 'tempt' me from going off my diet," he said.

"Well your father seems to not be here at the moment so skipping a day wouldn't hurt will it?" Jon asked.

"Hopefully it won't. I've been cheating on my diet since I got here," Adrien said, laughing.

"Yeah but then you end up exercising anyways," I reassured him.

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