【 50 】

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*3rd Person*

"You think it's okay for me to be in Paris? Like, as Superboy?" Jon asked as he and Damian were about to leave their shared apartment.

He and Damian had just gotten to their apartment and were about to look around the neighborhood so that they could stay up and adapt to the new time zone.

"I see why not, you are here to find Adrien," Damian said.

"Yeah, but wouldn't that put my secret identity at risk since I'm going to be enrolled at school and the next thing you know, they see Superboy in Paris. And not to mention since they all just got back from Gotham, they might question it," Jon said.

Damian shrugged.

"You're asking about the class that believes Lila Rossi, they are gullible with anything you tell them," Damian said as they closed the door and then continued speaking.

"You weren't worried about this a week ago."

"Yeah, but a week ago I thought I was just gonna be 'Jon Kent', not Superboy, and only be used for emergencies, like worse, like the end of the world type of stuff since we didn't want Hawkmoth to know I'm in Paris and try to take advantage of my powers," Jon said, lowly since they were still in the hallways.

"Just try not to let your emotions take over then," Damian told him.

Jon nodded.

"I can do that. Now, what should we do first?" Jon asked.

Damian shrugged again. Jon then smiled brightly once they left the apartment complex.

"We should find Marinette's bakery!" Jon said, turning his head to look at Damian.

Damian's eyes widened a bit, remembering when he met Marinette's parents for the first time. It was the day he first ever used the fox miraculous so they had met him as Royal Mirage and a team member to Ladybug, which apparently, her parents had figured out that Ladybug was Marinette, their daughter. The public doesn't know that Mirage and Ladybug aren't dating so they aren't aware of Marinette having a boyfriend, at least that is what Damian thinks. Marinette may or may not have mentioned to her parents that she met a boy in Gotham.

"Um, no. I haven't mentioned to Marinette that we are in Paris and she's in school right now," Damian said.

"Dami, are you scared to meet her parents?" Jon asked teasingly.

"Tt no, I already met them," Damian said, looking away while crossing his arms.

"Really? When?"

"The first time I came with Marinette, they didn't know it was us since we were still transformed but they-"

"Doesn't count. They didn't really meet you then. They haven't met Damian Wayne, AKA their daughter's boyfriend," Jon said, exaggerating 'their daughter's boyfriend' part and dragging Jon to the direction of the bakery once he found it online for directions.

"Shouldn't it be Marinette that should introduce me and not some random stranger telling them I'm their daughter's boyfriend," Damian said, his ears getting red after saying the word boyfriend, he actually hasn't mentioned it out loud before and he liked it, saying that he was Marinette's boyfriend.

"I won't mention anything then. Just pretend we are normal customers wanting to try their pastries," Jon said.

Damian rolled his eyes.

When they got to the bakery they walked in and the bell on the door rang letting Marinette's parents know that they had customers. Jon was excited to see all the pastries and then his happiness died when he saw the wall full of pinned-up pictures. Pictures of other customers eating their pasties, pictures of Marinette in the kitchen, pictures of Marinette and her friends all hanging out at the bakery, specifically, pictures of Adrien.

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