【 44 】

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*Marinette's Pov*

Dinner at the Wayne Manor, well from what I learned, is always interesting. After I found out they were the bat family I always thought it was fun seeing what they do in their civilian identities and no one has no clue what they were doing the night before. Imagine how funny it would be to learn that Batman makes his whole family eat together and has made a "no attempt in killing rule" at the dinner table. This has caused situations to get chaotic within verbal arguments within the boys at times leading to either Jason or Damian wanting to kill someone but Bruce always managed to calm them down. Well today, that rule was broken once again by none other than Damian Wayne.

Jason had kept smirking in Damian's and mine's direction while Damian glared angrily back at him. It kept going on for the last five minutes while Bruce tried explaining Adrien's situation to the rest of his family.

"So gremlin, who are you taking to tomorrow's gala?" Jason asked, taking a sip from his drink, with a knowing smirk still on his face.

"Tt why do you care? You seem to always have an excuse to leave, not even thirty minutes in," Damian said, angrily.

"Who knows, you've never taken anyone before, I want to see the baby in the family take his first steps," he said winking at me.

I saw Damian grab the steak knife and abruptly get out of his place at the table and run to where Jason was sitting. Was sitting, past tense, since he ran out of the room before Damian could stab him. Bruce set down his fork and sighed.

"Can we ever have a peaceful dinner?" Bruce asked tiredly.

"When have we ever had a peaceful dinner?" Dick asked, exaggerating his sentence.

Bruce got up and walk out of the room. A few moments later, after a few crashes and yelling, Jason, Damian, and Bruce all returned back into seats. Both Bruce and Damian had the same expressions. Like father like son, both had brooding expressions while Jason came back into the room happy. A little too happy.

"Care to explain to the class why you're so weirdly happy?" Tim asked.

"Because Timbo, I just got my hundred dollars. Officially now," Jason said, waving his hundred-dollar bill around in the air.

"Wait, does that mean? Oh my. How cute, gremlin finally got himself a girlfriend," Tim said, laughing.

"That's it," Damian said as he got up again, grabbing the knife again.

"ENOUGH," Bruce said in a stern voice.

I grabbed hold of Damian's hand and pulled him back to sit down before he killed anyone.

"Tomorrow, at the gala, the press will be there of course but only at the entrance and will not be allowed to enter the place as always since you all manage to create a scene. Jason, you will stay there the WHOLE time since you are a part of this family," Bruce said.

Jason stayed quiet and narrowed his eyes at Bruce.

"As I was saying, Adrien will be living with us in the meantime while we can sort out his situation with his father. The lawyer advised us that he should file for emancipation but will need to return back to France for court dates. Once it is announced that Adrien is going through emancipation, it will be over the news outlets since he and his father are widely known, so let's keep this quiet long enough so it won't be leaked before it is announced," Bruce said.

"This is why I hate the paparazzi, always sticking their noses in everything," Jason grumbled.

"Ha, I still remember how they found out that you were alive and the rumors that were made up," Tim said, bursting out laughing.

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