【 28 】

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*Marinette's Pov*

"I tried to reason with him but he didn't tell me what's wrong," I said, burying my face into my hands.

"It seemed like he didn't want to talk about it," Damian said.

"I shouldn't have pushed him. I was trying to make sure nothing bad can happen by their break up," I said.

"Like an akuma attack?" Damian asked.

"Yeah. Having an angry Kagami in Paris is kinda bad. The last time she was akumatized was by Lila. She has been akumatized twice, both times she had a sword with her. She is very skilled. But what worries me more is our friendship. My friends and I are in a tight group. We have trusted each other and now it may change," I told him. I worry about how it will change with us battling Hawkmoth's akumas and how it may affect the team.

"And is that change bad?"

"I don't know yet. It seems like Adrien doesn't want to even have a conversation about anything. How will it be out in-" I stopped talking. I talked a little too much.

"Out in where?" Damian asked, confused.

"When we all hang out," I told him.

"Well they broke up, she may not want to hang out with you guys anymore," Damian said.

Of course, I didn't even think of that. She may not even want to part of the team anymore. Will she do that after all the team has been through? Will she really leave because of their break up?

"She doesn't seem the type to leave us hanging, even for a break up," I said.

We both sit in silence for a while.

"Jon has been gone for a while, should we go looking for him?" I asked Damian.

"Jon can handle himself, and he just sent me a text saying he and Adrien will meet us later," Damian answered.

"Alright then, should we go have some fun then!" I said standing up, waiting for Damian to get up too.

We both went walking around, looking for things to do. I was having fun hanging around with Damian.

While waiting in one of the lines we realized that both Jon and Adrien were a couple of people in front of us. They both saw us and then said something to each other and then walked over to us.

"You guys just left your spot," I said.

"Yeah but we thought it would be nice if we all rode it together," Adrien said.

Jon started talking to Damian about something while I took this as an opportunity to talk to Adrien.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have pushed you to talk about something you didn't want to. I'm sorry"

"I'm the one that should be apologizing, I was getting mad when all you wanted to make sure we both were okay and nothing would be wrong with the team," he said.

"Are we okay?"


We both gave each other a hug and then broke apart when we realized the line was moving forward.

After the ride, we were all getting off. It wasn't until then when we were all waiting for each other, that I got an akuma alert. You gotta be kidding me? At this time? I already went this morning? How am Adrien and I going to get out of this mess?

The ring on my phone is obviously a different noise from my message ring so Adrien knew right away what happened. I looked at Adrien. I couldn't think of an excuse for the both of us. I knew that Adrien wouldn't want to let me go alone. I started to kinda panic, this would've probably been easier to get away if we were already in Paris, where we didn't make many excuses.

"Hey, Damian and I are going to wait for the line at the Ferris Wheel. Do you mind if you go get us some drinks?" Jon said, looking at Adrien and me.

Thanks the gods they asked us to get us drinks. The line at the Ferris Wheel was long so this was a perfect getaway.

"Sure. We'll be right back," I said as I grabbed Adrien's hand and went to find somewhere safe.

*Damian's Pov*

"What was that?" I asked Jon.

"What? I could hear her heart racing. I'm assuming she didn't know how to make an excuse to us," he said.

"So you sent them to get us drinks? What if they know, we know?"

"Let's just go wait in line," he said, going in the direction of the Ferris Wheel line.

"Now the question I'm wondering is how they get to Paris," Jon said.

"How much do you know about them?"

"Not much. I texted Tim to see if he knew anything and sent me some news articles. I would've asked you but I was mad at you and I knew you wouldn't have said anything.

Someone came behind us to be in line so we couldn't talk loudly.

"They have these things called a Miraculous that gives them their powers. One has the ability to transport from one location to another," I whispered to him.

"That's so cool! Tell me more," he said excitedly.

"Out in the open?"

"Oh later then?" He looked at me hopefully.

"Maybe, when we leave or something,"

We waited in line for their return. After a while, the two finally returned. They also brought our drinks, I thought they forgot about it. I did.

"Sorry, long line getting the drinks," said Marinette.

"It's fine," said Jon.

When we got closer I realized that the wheel was a two person seat only, not for a group. Oh.

"I'm riding with Adrien," Jon said quickly, before I could argue he grabbed Adrien and dragged him off.

"I guess, we're sitting together then," Marinette said.

It was our turn to get seated. I didn't know why but I actually didn't even know what to say. I felt a bit awkward. I completely forgot that this girl that was next to me was a superhero. She definitely is a nice person that has a kind heart so it isn't hard to believe. Is it a coincidence that I met her and told me about the problem in Paris? I wonder what would have happened if we never met. She happened to meet me, a person that could get her a connection to my family that could help her in Paris without her knowing. I already thought she was a strong person before I found out she was a hero and now knowing what she does to save her city is something even more amazing about her. How is it that she managed to get my attention when I didn't even know who she was?

"You keep staring at me. Are you okay Damian?" She said.


"Yeah sorry I got lost in thought."

"It's pretty. The view," she said.

"Oh yeah, it is," I mumbled.

"It's so different from the view back home," she said to herself.

"From where in Paris have you seen it?" I asked her.

"The top of the Eiffel Tower, I see it almost every day and I never get used to it." She said, staring off.

"Oh-uh you know, I get up to the top from the elevator to see the view, inspiration for my sketches and stuff," she said trying to clear up what she said.

I smiled at the thought that she was so cute trying to cover it up.

"It's okay, I get what you mean."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hi! Thank you so much on 1k votes! It means so much!

So this is like my birthday present to you guys because it's my birthday!!

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