Chapter 10

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(Marleys pic again above) 3rd POV

The rest of breakfast went well and the meeting was boring but still they got done with what they needed to do.

There we're some disagreements but they were resolved quickly.

Meanwhile Marley was outside training.Some people hated the idea of training but Marley found it to be quite therapeutic and enjoyed the time she had to herself.

She starred of with some simple fighting with a sword.

After a while of fighting Marleys hair fell out of its tied up position and was not down but she didn't let it brother and kept fighting.

After about an hour later she got bored. She looked around to see if any one was around her.

After coming to the conclusion that there wasn't anyone Marley smiled to herself. She was able to practice some of her power.

Her ability to being a dragon was that she was able to control and create the four elements.

For the day Marley decided to practice fire, it was her favorite of all of them and her dragon agreed.

After about two hours of practicing her fire Marley heard someone approach the training grounds so she put her fire out so she wouldn't scare anyone.

She realized at this point that people probably knew she was a dragon since it said it on the list of people who would be attending but she still didn't want to frighten anyone.

She saw a servant come over to her, the servant explained that she came to inform Marley that's that meeting was over and that everyone was in the main hall.

Marley nodded and thanked the servant. She made her way to main hall doors.

Upon her arrival a group of Esteban guards came around the corner.

They all saw Marley and offered to let her enter the doors fist but Marley insisted they go first since they were the place guards and she was to guard only one person.

The guards made no room for argument so the group entered with Marley following behind and they all went into the main hall of the palace.

The queens had finished their meeting with everyone and took their place back in their thrones like the night before.

Ambree had sent out a servant to fetch Marley so she was waiting for her friends return. She knew what was going to happen when Marley came into the room.

The queens would get to see her face. But Ambree found herself not worrying about it.

She was actually fairly happy, she knew the queens, and they were a good choice for Marley, they just need to be patient for her.

The queens sat on their thrones after the meeting they knew that Ambree sent sometime to go and bring their mate to the room and they were anxious for her arrival.

After waiting for about fifteen minutes they saw the main doors open.

Their attention was directed towards the group that walked through the door. They were all Esteban guards but the three could sense their mate somewhere amongst the group.

Heather stood at the scent of her mate and searched frantically for her.

Though with Marley being short the warriors were able to cover her and she wasn't noticed right away by the three.

Though since Ambree was farther from the thrones she had a different angle of the group, and she got excited upon seeing familiar red hair.

She saw Marley looking around for her and she called out,

"Marley over here!"

she held up her hand and waved a little so Marley was able to see her.

Upon hearing their mates name the three looked over see Ambree waving at the crowd coming in.

They all looked at the group and saw the guards begin to move out of the way for someone.
It was as if time slowed down.

As soon as the last guard cleared the way,
the three saw her.

Marley heard her name and gestured for the guards to excuse her through the group.

They made a clearing for and she made her way through the group she walked through and saw Ambree standing by the stairs in-front of the thrones like the night before so that Marley would be able to spot her easier.

The three watched as their mate began walking away from the group and towards Ambree.

It was as if she was walking in slow motion.

The three noticed everything about their mates face.

She was beautiful.

She had long red ginger hair and pale skin with freckles dotting her body and face.

She was short but well built she wore tight fit clothing which complemented her body so well. She had a small dagger in a holder on her belt and she had her hair down.

Marley noticed Ambree and sped up her walk so she could meet up with the princess.

Marley quickly made her way over to Ambree and the three could barley contain their excitement upon seeing their mate get closer to them.

Ambree smiled after seeing Marleys worried face. Marley was always worried about Ambree she would always make sure was safe.

Seeing Marley happy to see Ambree filed Ambree with happiness but she looked up and saw the three queens.

They seemed transfixed on Marley.

Like she was only thing that mattered at the moment and honestly she was.

"The meeting went well it was boring but I got good tips for next time,"

said Ambree as Marley approached her.

The queens could hear Ambree talking to Marley but they didn't care enough to hear what she had to say, they were just so focused on Marley.

"She's beautiful,"

said Lea and the other two couldn't agree more.

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