Chapter 13

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3rd POV

Marley went back to her room that night thoroughly confused.

She could not understand why she had reacted that way earlier. She was angered at the fact of not knowing her own emotions.

She didn't understand why the three queens made her feel that way. She was happier with them and sad to leave them.

Though she was close with Ambree it was different with her then with the queens but Marley couldn't pin point what that feeling was.

She paced around her room trying hard to think of an answer.

She knew better than to go ask Ambree as it was late at night and Ambree wasn't the happiest when woken up early.

Marley was clearly upset, she couldn't sleep and she didn't even know why it bothered her so much.

She was confused, angry, and worried.

Is there something happening to me?

Marley tried to come up with an answer to explain all these emotions but nothing logical would come to mind.

But why those three, what makes those three so important to me that no one else has?

Marley continued to think about the possibilities of the problem and was thoroughly stumped.

'Perhaps you just need to clear your head'

spoke a voice in Marleys head.

Her dragon, Nina had made an appearance and was worried about Marley.

'If you want we can go flying, it might calm you and take your mind off of the three for a while'

Nina reasoned with Marley.

'Your right that's probably a good idea, I'll just leave a note for Ambree and we can leave'

Marley then got out a piece of paper and some ink. She made a note for Ambree and left it by her door.

Marley considered leaving a note for the three queens but thought that they probably wouldn't even care if she was gone or not, so she scratched the idea and went back to her room.

Marley took her jacket off and underneath had a shirt with the fire symbol covering the front.

On her back we're two holes for her wings to fit through.

Marley let Nina take her wings out and surely enough when she looked in the mirror next to her were dragon wings attached to her back.

Marley stretched out her wings and went to the window. She looked down and around her window for a sign of anyone.

When she came to the conclusion that there was no one Marley closed her eyes,

and fell.

Marley put her wings close to her body and fell from her window. Her eyes still closed.

She felt the wind in her face and her hair waived behind her.

Marley felt herself fall, and fall until she reached a certain point, getting close to the ground. In an instance Marley opened her eyes and fanned her wings out, lifting her up high and higher from the ground below.

Marley spun around, spreading her wings farther and farther until they could stretch no more.

With her wings fully out and her body now above the clouds Marley sighed in content. Nina was right this really did calm her down.

Marley flew up and down and went through clouds and flew high enough that it looked like she was touching stars.

She didn't know how far she flew but once she saw the sun begin to rise she made her way back to Esteban.

Ambree woke up the next morning with tired eyes and a groggy voice.

Ambree wasn't one for mornings she could sleep for days and she would still be tired when she woke up. Eventually she did manage to get up and get ready.

She was surprised when she was fully ready that Marley had not yet come to say good morning. Marley was always up before Ambree and made it a goal to greet her every morning.

Did I actually manage to wake before Marley?

Ambree thought to herself. She looked outside her window and saw the morning sun in its rise and she was still confused.

Marleys always up before the sun

with curiosity set in her mind Ambree made her way to her door to go to Marleys room, but before she could she saw a paper tied neatly on the floor in front of her door.

When she unrolled it she immediately recognised the neat handwriting as Marleys.

She was even more curious and she took the note back to her room and began reading it as she sat on her bed.

The note explained that Marley was out for a night flight and would be back at some time the next morning.

'Ahh so that's what it is'

Ambree thought to herself. She chuckled at her reaction before. She set the note on her bed and left her room for breakfast.

As the morning sun began to rise over the castle the golden sunlight made its way into the queens room, effectively waking them up.

The three woke up around similar times so once they were all up they got ready and headed to the dinning hall for breakfast.

Though they knew Marley had not attended breakfast the previous day they had hoped to possibly see her this morning.

Though to their disappointment Marley was again absent for breakfast. They saw Ambree at the same table and she was engaged in a conversation with a different lady from the day before.

The three queens made their way to their table and once they sat down breakfast was served to them by servants coming to and from the kitchen.

Once breakfast was over the queens began to tell the crowd of people their plans for the day.

They explained some events going on in their kingdom and that the people could go said events if they wished to attend.

This seemed to spark an interest in Ambree as she seemed excited to listen. After the small meeting some people began to leave to go see some of the events or do other things.

The queens looked out at the crowd, they looked for any sign of their missing mate but found nothing.

By this time it was about an hour after breakfast, Ambree had gone somewhere outside and queens were still curious as to where their missing mate could be.

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