Chapter 43

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T/W mentions of death and abuse
Marley's POV

It was dark.

I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't they felt too heavy to do so.

I could feel the cold ground beneath me so I assumed I was on the floor of some kind.

I also was able to hear the voices of who my captor was.

The voice belonged to a man.

Well more like voices.

I heard voices of a couple of different people but the one man who seemed to stay near the place where I was being held.

I couldn't seem to move my body, it too felt heavy.
I could only wonder and question as to where I was.
I thought and tried to move my body but it simply wasn't happening.

Eventually I felt myself get tired once more and my mind fell asleep shortly after.
{In Esteban} 3rd POV

Currently the queens were in the meeting room waiting for Ambree, Zarren, and Sovia to talk to them.
That morning they had told the other royals of the court about Marley's disappearance and were told to report anything if they saw something.

Lea, Heather, and Demitri were at one end of the table with Ambree, Zarren and Sovia at the other end. They discussed and talked for more hours.

Asking questions and receiving no news from the guards and people who were sent to look for their missing warrior.

It was as if she was no where.
They even told the other surrounding kingdoms who agreed to help look for the queens mate but no one knew of her ware a-bouts.

The queens were distraught at the idea of Marley being gone.

'Who took her?'

'Did she leave herself?'

'Where could she be?'

The questions and thoughts seemed to flow through the queens like a raging river, never ending nor slowing down.

They could do nothing but ask if someone had seen her, Demitri tried some magic but nothing she did would give them answers.

The queens were too miserable to do much of anything.
They didn't eat much and spent most of their time looking and worrying for Marley.

Two weeks had passed and the queens were is worse condition.

Ambree and other royals tried their best to encourage them.
Though it wouldn't last long.
With their mate missing they felt lost, like they were missing a part of themselves, which they truely were.
Marleys POV

I had no idea how long I was here for.
I eventually woke up after finding out that I was asleep for two days.

I was in a cell of some sorts with concrete walls and cold metal bars at one side.

There was a small window at the top, too high for me to see anything out of.

They men that took me worked for Viran

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