Chapter 14

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( Marleys dragon in the pic above)

Demitri's POV

After breakfast was over and our mate didn't show up the three of us sat on top of our thrones with confused emotions.

I was so excited yesterday to spend the day with Marley, even if it was for a tour.

Though she didn't say much I was still able to hear her actually speak to us. I was so excited over something so small, I wondered what it would be like when she could finally be with us.

I was thoroughly bored while sitting on my throne, Lea had gone to help some guests with things for the festival coming up, and Heather was talking to some advisors about who knows what.

I wasn't really paying attention. I was too bored to care. I made a final decision to head outside, I had no idea what I was gonna do, I just wanted to get out of that room and get some fresh air.

As I made my way off the throne and down that stairs, to the doors I heard Heather call out to me,

"Demitri where are you going?"

"I just need some fresh air, I'll be outside if anyone needs me,"

I responded. I saw Heather look at me worriedly but I tried to reassure her with a small smile.

Seeing her worried about me made me feel a little better as I made my way outside. I stood outside, near the gardens.

They were in full bloom and the flowers helped calm me down.

I didn't really know what I was so stressed about but I could make a few guesses involving a certain someone. I had bent down to smell the roses when a shadow flew across the rose bushes.

Surprised I looked up into the sky, and my eyes widened. It was a creature flying.

Though as it got closer I could see it was a person. And when they got closer to the ground I saw the familiar mix of orange hair.

I knew it was Marley,

'it's probably her dragon'.

I thought to myself. I saw her fly over the gardens and fly towards the arena areas. I don't really know what sparked my interest so much but I began running towards her direction.

And yes I was fully running in heels and a dress, but Marley was worth it. I stopped as I entered the fourth arena area.

There I saw Marley she was just above the arena walls. She began to descend lower and lower, until her feet were on the ground.

I couldn't help but stare as I saw her there, her wings were wrapping themselves across her body and they were beautiful.

They were a stunning white color which I assumed was the color of her dragon.

She had markings on her arms and back but they disappeared when her wings went into her back.

Though what surprised me was when she put her wings back there were two large scars near her shoulder blades.

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