Chapter 25

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3rd POV
"We are your mates,"

Those words echoed through Marleys head.

One sentence,

four words,

and yet Marley felt like everything was crashing down.

She widened her eyes at the news, her mouth slightly parted, her her movements were still.
She didn't know what to do.

Was this a dream?

a cruel prank?

Or was it true?

She didn't know, and she became frightened.


Marley didn't know what to say, she stuttered out words, clueless of what to say.

The three watched as their mate struggled to say something. They knew she was going to be shocked,
This reaction was kind of expected but it didn't ease their worried minds.

They just told Marley that she was their mate, of course they were worried, who wouldn't be?

"Y-you are not lying, this is not a joke?"

Marleys voice was timid, as if she was afraid, something the three found displeasing.

"No Marley, this is not a joke, we speak the truth to you, and nothing but the truth."

Lea was the first out of the three to speak up.

"Are you alright, do you need something?"

Demitri's voice laced with concern as she looked down at her mate.

"No I'm fine I just-"


The four turned around, a loud explosion noise echoing through the land. In the distance a loud roar was heard, followed by a could of black
smoke being waved through the air.

The light of fire, cascading shadows on the town.
Marley stood up immediately, she narrowed her eyes at the sight of the town, it looked to be near the docks.

She quickly began running towards the palace, her wings already put inside her back.

The three followed close behind her, expressions of worry, confusion, and scared showed on their faces.
Once the group made their way to the place, the group of guests were gathered in the entrance hall.
Upon seeing the queens, the people stopped talking, waiting to hear what they had to say.

Marley quickly spotted Ambree and ran towards her

"Everyone, stay inside we don't know what's happening outside, so until the problem is resolved, no one is allowed to leave this palace."

Heathers voice boomed over the crowd. She used her Alpha voice, no one questioned her once she spoke.

They were probably to scared, either of her or of what's outside, no one knew.

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