Chapter 7

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Sansa got to her chambers a few hours later than usual, she assumed Jamie would already be asleep. When she opened the door, she saw him stood by the window. He was in a loose white shirt and his breeches. He turned to Sansa as she walked through the door. "I'm sorry I'm late, I was with Lady Margery my lord". She waited for a reply.

Jamie turned to face the window looking out to the sea. The room was dimly lit. Sansa walked over to her dressing table, she began to unclip her hair, her auburn locks fell by her waist. Jamie looked back at her, seeing her struggle unlacing her dress. He walked over to her. "Here let me" Sansa's arms fell by her sides. "Thank you" Sansa said in no more than a whisper. Each time Jamie's fingertips touched the skin, she felt a shiver travel down her back.

"About what I said last night..." Jamie began, Sansa looked up to see Jamie's reflection in the mirror. "I shouldn't of said it, they're your family". Sansa said nothing. Jamie continued "I was angry... Not with you" Sansa turned her head to face Jamie. "Were you angry with her?" Sansa dared to look him in the eye. Jamie looked away then back at Sansa.

He nodded his head slightly "I can't explain it..."
"You don't need to..." There was a long silence before one of them spoke again "I've done things because of her... Things I know I shouldn't of"
Sansa thought of what Margery had told her.

'you need to get him away from her'

"Then don't do them" she whispered. Jamie looked up at Sansa. She glanced at his lips which were slightly parted. Jamie glided his hand down Sansa's waist, pulling her closer to him. She pressed her lips softly against Jamie's. He started to push her back, Sansa didn't try to stop him.
Jamie moved both his hands down Sansa's waist pulling her up onto the table. Sansa had began to unlace Jamie's shirt, leaving him bare chested.
He moved his lips down to Sansa's neck, causing her to start breathing heavier.
He started to pull Sansa's dress down, exposing her bare shoulders. They were both breathing deeper now. Jamie brought his head up to Sansa's "I know we shouldn't do this" She brought his hand onto her thigh and began to kiss him again. Jamie started to move his hand further up her soft, smooth skin. He pushed Sansa down onto the table, so she was laid down "I know we should do this" she whispered, pulling Jamie closer to her.

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