Chapter 23

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Jamie's eyes watched the boat that Tyrion had sent out into the backwater. The hint of the green following its trail sent a chill through him. He knew how dangerous it was, even a drop was enough to kill.

As it got closer to the ships, some of the men began to shout. They knew what it was. Tyrion looked towards the left of the water, impatiently waiting for Bronn's arrow. He only had one chance.

Less than a moment later a flicker of an arrow caught Jamie's eye as it was pulled down into the darkness of the water. As soon as the flame hit the surface an explosion of green filled throughout the ships, then the screams came, the screams that never seemed to stop.

He looked up to see nothing but the dark clouds that filled the air, that covered the sun and the sky. All that filled his mouth was the bitter taste of death, turning their relief to ashes in their mouth.


Sansa heard the door being unlocked, she hadn't moved from the window since Baelish had left her, she had been brought supper but she hadn't touched it, she couldn't eat.

She waited for Baelish to speak, to tell her what he wanted, the words he had already spoken to her all that matters is you was the only thing that filled her mind, they kept replaying in her head over and over.

"Lady Stark" her brows furrowed to the strangers voice. Turning her head to see his face, a shot of fear went through her, the last person she wanted to see stood before her.

Ramsay Bolton.

"Are you pleased to see me?" His smile grew when Sansa's eyes met his. He slowly took a step towards her, Sansa could hardly feel her body she couldn't move, her eyes were fixed on Ramsay. All she felt was fear.

"When Baelish had told me you agreed to come away with us on our journey, I was so delighted" watching her brows crease he tilted his head slightly "what? You think you're the only one he saved?" The smirk stuck to his lips.

He took hold of her arm, while bringing his hand to her face, he pressed his thumb on the cut that laid deep in her skin. Sansa winced at his cold touch. Her eyes pressed together, releasing the tears that had been clinging onto her lashes since she had seen him.

"Don't think I've forgotten your little trick at the wedding, I was very angry of course..." He released her from his grip before bringing his hand away from her face.

"However... Seeing as though I am now the rightful heir, I suppose you did me a favour in getting rid of my father." "But you're a bastard" Sansa looked into his eyes which were gleaming from his torment.

His jaw tightened at the mention of the word, but his smile returned "not anymore Lady Stark" he walked back to the door, for a moment Sansa thought he was leaving, but he closed the door behind him locking it from the inside, before dropping the key into his pocket and turning back to her with a wide smile.

"But I still need to do something with you, don't I? For my fathers death, I can't let you get away with it completely can I?" His question didn't need an answer.

He moved closer once again to Sansa he was still frozen in the same spot.

"I'll have to punish you, you understand"


I'm sorry this is a shorter update than usual but I hope you enjoyed it! I'm in the midst of making a game of thrones fan video, I'm not sure whether or not to do a Jamie/Sansa one as a trailer for this fanfiction, would anyone be interested in that? Please let me know :)x

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