Chapter 39

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Sansa reached a hand out in front of her, balancing herself against the table. The piercing pain filled her stomach once more. It was almost unbearable. The pain slowly began to ease and became more of a dulling ache. She heard the door open and shut behind her.

She turned herself around, meeting the stare of Ramsey, Theon was stood behind him quivering. He was still covered in blood. Sansa could see a small cut on his left cheek just under his eye. She took a seat at the small table by the window. Ramsey remained silent, he walked towards the wash basin, glancing in the mirror at his cut. Grabbing a cloth he dampened it bringing it to his face.

He sat opposite Sansa at the table, watching her intently, without moving his head, his eyes drifted to Theon. "Reek, sit down" Theon's breathing rapidly increased, "yes my Lord" he mumbled. The three of them sat around the table in silence for a few moments, until Ramsey broke it.

"Isn't this nice, just the three of us" Ramsey's smile was stuck on his lips. Sansa watched him, waiting for what would happen. "However I can't help thinking of how betrayed I feel, at the fact that when I was fighting against the traitor Stannis Baratheon, the two people I thought I could rely on were plotting against me". The smile had disappeared from his lips.

Sansa glanced at Theon who had his usual troubled look, he was almost crying. "No my Lord" Theon shook his head forcefully. Ramsey turned to him, then looked back to Sansa. He stood up and paced the room, he bent down by Sansa facing Theon who sat shaking. "No? Well who else let her out of her chambers, were you planning to run away with her is that it Reek?" Ramsey scoffed, he turned to Sansa, placing his hand on the back of her neck.

"Did you think you could escape together and live happily ever after? He got closer to Theon, "Sansa's mine, do you hear me?" Theon nodded his head whimpering like a beaten dog. "He wasn't the one who unlocked the door" Sansa said quietly. She couldn't help feel pity for Theon, Ramsey's head snapped towards Sansa. The door swung open, Ramsey stood up staying by Sansa's side, she clutched her stomach once more feeling the painful tinges return.

"I'm sorry my Lord" "what is it?" Ramsey snapped. "It's Rickon... he's gone, the guards in the dungeons have all had their throats cut" Ramsey looked at Sansa who kept her eyes on the floor, then back to the guard "send some men after him, take the dogs, I want him brought back alive, I want to be the one to finish him". Sansa shivered hearing those words.

"Yes my Lord" the guard rushed out of the room. "Reek get out" Ramsey spoke in a tone Sansa had never heard before. Theon shut the door behind him, leaving Ramsey and Sansa alone.

"Did they tell you how your brother Robb died?" Ramsey finally broke the silence. "Your father murdered him" Sansa had fallen back into the habit of speaking without thinking, she shouldn't want to provoke him, but it felt as though there was a ball of anger tied up inside of her fighting to break free.

She was a Stark, he couldn't frighten her anymore. Arya and Rickon were safe for now, she prayed they had gotten far enough. Ramsey continued "Yes, he told me what happened how the arrows burned Robb's skin, how he crawled to his whore's side clutching at her bloody stomach, holding her dead body and then my father stuck a dagger into his heart, proving that the young wolf could be killed".

He pulled out a small blade from his belt, placing it down on the table. Robb's death is going to seem like a mercy after I'm finished with your little brother. You can't imagine what I'm going to do to him, and you're going to watch every second of it Sansa".

Anger had taken over Ramsey's face, his eyes pierced into Sansa. She held his stare not daring to look away. "I'll give you time to think of all the things I'm going to do to your little brother with this dagger, how much I'm going to hurt him, when I return we can begin". Ramsey placed a kiss on Sansa's forehead, shutting the door behind him.


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